Chapter 8

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~ Jungkook ~
We ran through the woods. Not too far because of the werewolves. Running through the woods was actually amazing. Being a vampire was really not that bad. But I knew that I was slower than other vampires, because I don't have that extra power of human blood. We stopped a moment.

"I'll wait here to keep watch in case." Tae said and I nodded.

I wanted to make it fast. Just one deer and then go. I ran after a deer catches him and suck.

Not even a minute later or I heard growls.

"Shit, Not again." I sighed and turned around. But this time it wasn't only the grey and white wolf. No, it was a whole pack of twenty wolves surrounding me.

Goosebumps began to grow al over my body and my heart was beating out of my chest.

I looked around and then I saw the white wolf. Every wolf growled and showed their teeth's expect for her. Just the same face as the day we met and letted me go. Her eye was still closed and thick but it was healing I saw. Hmm..... Miyoung has that too on the same eye.

The grey wolf was ready to get me and crouched. When he was planning to jump we heard a loud howl out of the forest. The grey wolf looked up so did the whole pack.

He began to run after the howl and the white wolf and dark brown followed him. The others ran to the other side. I stayed behind and was confused.

I walked to where Tae was.

"I'm back!" I said

"Finally!" He said. "You didn't get caught this time?"

"Uh, kinda" I said smiling.

He sighed and responded a little smile back while we walked back.

But then we heard a cry of a wolf and even more cries. We looked up where the sound came from.

"Should we take look?" I said.

"No... it's not our problem" He said.

"But what if there's a big problem going on?!" I said

He sighed.

"Okay, only because that white wolf letted us go." He said.

I smiled and ran towards the sound. When we found the place, we saw that wolves were fighting against wolves. I just blinked my eyes a few times, but I wasn't hallucinating.

Right after the battlefield, there was a big house, it looked almost as big as a castle. Taehyung and I looked at each other with the same confusing face.

The white wolf was fighting against three other wolves. She was good and strong. She bit right in the neck of the wolves and before I could even blink my eyes, two of them were laying on the ground.

She was panting and was about to fall, when suddenly the last of the three was jumping on her and and bit her hard in her throat. She cried out loud of the pain. The grey wolf ran towards her. Looking at her throat, he growled to a other wolf and the wolf nodded. It ran towards a tree and ten seconds later a short woman was appearing. She ran to the white wolf and infected her throat with some medicines I think.

Not even thinking about anything, I ran towards that dog to fucking bit his throat in a half.

"Jungkook, you stupid bloodsucker, come back!" I heard taehyung scream, but ignored it.

I jumped and letted my fangs grow. He saw me coming and dodged it.

Shit am I too slow?

I turned around and tried to grab his neck, but he was stronger than I thought and pushed me to the ground. I met his red eyes and was going to bite me to death.

Then the grey wolf came out of nowhere and pushed him off me. He putted his paw on the throat of the wolf. He kept going, until that bastard didn't move anymore. The grey wolf looked at me with still a warning look, but not growling.

"Uh... thanks" I said but fear was flowing through my body.

He nodded and ran to the next one.

Tae ran towards me and hit me with his fists. I fell on the ground.

"It again could be your fucking death, you stupid red eyed asshole" he said really mad.

"I know" I said

"I know? You really don't know, Jeon Jungkook! For the fucking third time you got attacked by werewolves and for also the third time you have luck, because of your so-called werewolf friends. But when there's no one, you're ending as ash" He said.

"You sound like Yoongi." I said and crossed my arms.

"Because he tells the truth" he said.

"I know I'm stupid, but she needed help and...."

"Yes, but not from you! You're a vampire!" Pointing to me. "they're werewolves." Pointing to the werewolves who were still fighting.

"We're enemies if you didn't know that yet! I said before that they easily could kill us! And especially you. When are you going to fucking realise that?!"

"I AM realising that! I'm not stupid!"

"Then why do you NEVER listen to us?!"

"And WHY are you always sticking your nose in my business?!" I yelled back.

"Cause we NEED to!"

"No, you don't! You're not my fucking parents!"

Then, a silence came. We were done arguing, but still irritated.

I looked to the ground like a little boy while Taehyung was still looking at me. Then I saw a hand in front of me.

"Stand up" he said

I looked at it for a moment, but then grabbed his hand and stood up.

"We're going home" he said

I looked behind me where they were still fighting.

"After we helped them"

I turned around and saw him smiling.

"But only this time" he said in his so-called serious tone.

We turned around

"Sometimes I love you, you know that?" I said and hugged him.

"Ah shut up, greaseball." He said pushed me away.

"Ready to rip some throats open?" He said while watching the battlefield. He's eyes turned red and his fangs grew, so did mine.

"Always for our enemies" I said smiling.

Some time later~
Finally, it was over. After a fight of two hours, I was so tired that I was almost falling asleep in the battlefield.

Then I saw the grey wolf still looking at me and I just bowed to him.

While he was bowing back, an other wolf came towards him with clothes.

He grabbed it and walked behind a tree. Some seconds later, a man appeared.

My mouth fell open when I recognised him from before.

"It can't be true..."


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