Chapter 20

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~ Jungkook ~
"Yes, I am." I had answered. "But He wasn't a hybrid."

Jimin sat back down and sighed a little.

"This all make sense."

"What makes sense?"

"The whole situation we're in."

"What situation. Explain!" I yelled. I was frustrated. Afraid of the answers I didn't know a lot about my father and most important, the truth about myself.

"Your father was a hybrid, Jungkook. That's why we know things about you. You are registered in our computer system, because you're part werewolf," Jimin said

"You're telling us that he's part werewolf?" Miyoung asked.

"He has a sleeping one. If you didn't drink that drink and didn't wear that ring, you would be the most powerful creature. Thanks to your dad." He said.

"I'm not a werewolf, I'm a vampire."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"The hunters want you, Jungkook. They want the most powerful supernatural being as a pet and that's you. If you take off that ring, you'll be in danger," Jimin continued.

I couldn't believe what they just told me. Me being a part werewolf and hunters who wants me? Impossible.

"How do you guys even know about my father?" I said.

Jimin sighed.

"Listen Jungkook, I know you won't like this, but your father was a murderer. He killed many packs and clans. Your father was a being who wanted more and more power. It was never enough for him."

"That's not true! My father always loved our clan, my mom and me!" I said trying the defend my father.

"Jungkook, believe me. When your father was 18 years old, he turned himself into a hybrid. That was because he wanted to be the most powerful one in the world," Jimin tried to explain.

"Why would I believe you? You know noting about my family or clan. Nothing!"

"Jungkook... it's true. Your father was the one who killed the previous vampire council. Your family wears the title of the head of the council. Your ancestor established the first council 1500 years ago."

This became more fun with the seconds. They really think they can prank me with this bullshit.

"Okay okay that was fun." I said.

Miyoung and Jungkook stared at me with many question marks written on their face.

"It's a joke right? Me a part werewolf and a part of a royal family,"

"Jungkook..." Miyoung began.

"No no, it's okay." I interrupted her.

"It isn't a joke, Jungkook." Jimin said.

"Oh no? So what will happen if I take off this ring? Will I turn into a dangerous animal? Ha, don't make me laugh." I said and stared them deep in the eyes.

Jimin and Miyoung said nothing and just stared at me. Miyoung wanted to say something, but she didn't know what.

"Well, then I'll see it by myself." I said.

I ran towards the exit and opened the door.

"Jungkook, stop!!!" Miyoung and Jimin yelled and I heard footsteps following me.

As fast as my vampire speed could, I ran deep into the woods.

Howls of wolves echoed though the woods. I ignored it and ran further deeper and deeper until I found a small lake. I grabbed the ring.

Suddenly a big grey wolf jumped on me and pushed his paw on my hand where also my ring sat. He growled loudly at me. Showing his teeth.

"Let me go, you liar!" I said through gritted teeth. I felt tears coming up.

Jimin just stared at me. Slowly letting his fangs disappear. Still pushing his paw on my hand, but looking pity.

"You're all liars. My family is not the head of the council and my father wasn't a murderer! No one ever told me so why would it be true?" I began to cry.

We heard a sound and Jimin looked upwards. I also looked and saw Miyoungs wolf staring at me.

"Miyoung." I said while sniffling.

She let out a cry and ran towards me. Still laying on the ground, she jumped on me and laid down. Her big head in my neck.

'It's gonna be alright, Jungkook. I will protect you till the end.'

I suddenly heard a voice and immediately knew it was Miyoung. I began to cry harder and hugged her as if she was gonna die if I would let her go.

She then licked my cheek and stared into my eyes.

'Are you okay, now?'

"Yeah, thank you." I said and kissed her head. I said 'yeah' but it wasn't 'yeah'.

I still wanted to know the truth about myself.


"Shall we go home?" Miyoung asked while putting on her shoes.

Jimin and Miyoung has their clothes on again and already walked towards the entrance of the woods.

When Miyoung realised I wasn't walking next to her, she turned around.

I stood still, thinking.


I looked up at the sky and saw the full moon shining bright. It felt like it was calling me. It felt like the moon was taking over me.



"Don't you feel the pull of the full moon?"

"Yes, I do. It feels amazing, right?" She smiled.

"Don't you also want to shift and just run around in the woods for the whole night?" I asked.

I then looked her in the eyes. My eyes were burning, so I know they were red.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Miyoung asked.

"Yeah, never felt so good, why you ask?"

"You're acting a bit strange." She said worried.

"I actually want to know if I really have a wolf inside me."

I grabbed my ring again.

"Jungkook, no!" Miyoung said.

Jimin turned around and saw what was happening

"Don't you dare Jungkook. If you take of the ring right now, you'll never be able to undo it. You won't get any rest as long as you have your wolf inside of you."

I stared at them and smiled a little.

"Who cares?"

Then, I took off my ring and threw it in the lake.

"Nooo!!" I heard Miyoung screaming.

"Stubborn bloodsucker!" I heard Jimin far away.

I suddenly felt a burn and crack inside of me. I screamed and felt someone grabbing me.

Then it all became black.

~ TBC ~

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