Chapter 16

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~ Taehyung ~
I was just sitting in my room, playing a game. To think about it, it's actually really weird that the only one who has to wear that ring and has to drink that drink is Jungkook. While playing my game, these questions were flying in my head the whole time.

"Aish, I'm gonna lose." I mumbled.

Game over

"Tsk." I turned off the tv and left my room. I walked towards the fridge and got myself a package of blood. While drinking, Yoongi called me.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Taehyung, does Jungkook have his ring with him?" Yoongi asked.

I looked on the table, but there was no ring.

"Yes I think so, it's not laying on the table anymore."

"Okay fine to hear, bye I see you at home."

"Hyung wait!"

"Yes? Do I have to get something for you from the convenience store?"

Should I ask about that ring? Agh, I will ask it later on.

"Hello? Tae?" Yoongi said.

"Oh eh no, well actually chicken would be great." I said

"Okay, was that it?"


"Okay then bye." He said and hung up.

I sighed, but I let it go. I was drinking my package furthermore until it was empty. Waiting 'till Yoongi came home.


"To be honest Taehyung, I'm actually a little worried." Yoongi suddenly said and took a sip from his package.

"Why so?" I said with my mouth full of chicken. Man, this chicken is good.

"It's all very nice and cute that Jungkook has found a werewolf as girlfriend, but when the vampire council find out the truth, then Jungkook is gonna be in big trouble." He explained.

I stopped eating my chicken and looked at Yoongi. The vampire council... they may be a royal and important group under the vampires, but they're the most terrible people in the world. When you break the rules, they'll come after you. Trying to ruin your life, killing people who you love and may even kill you. My father was part of it, but that was because it sits in my bloodline. The Kim family always was a part of the council and so did the Min family, as known as Yoongi's family.

Now you may ask 'but then, you're supposed to be the next, right?' Well no, I've also a cousin. He is the son of the little brother of my father. I refused to be the next. I didn't want to have such a terrible job, so my cousin became the next one.

"Shit, that can't be happening." I said.

"Yes, I know." Yoongi said

"How can we prevent it?"

"The only way to do that is just being careful, nothing more to do about it." Yoongi said and shrugged.

"But there must be an other way. They can't hide it forever. Sooner or later, they'll find the truth."

"No Taehyung, there isn't."

"Yes, there must be!" I didn't stop, there has to be an other way. We can't let him die.

"Shut up Taehyung! There isn't! End of story!" Yoongi yelled and stood up.

We had a moment of silence. But then he began to speak.

"You know that I'm also worried. Of course I don't want Jungkook to die or Miyoung or whoever, but we can't do anything about it. On the practical side, it's not our problem." Yoongi said.

He was right. It wasn't our problem, but that didn't mean we won't help him.

"Hyung, can you tell me more about the ring?" I asked.

Yoongi then looked at me. He was doubting to tell me something.

He sighed and sat back on the sofa.

"Listen, Tae. Promise me that you won't tell Jungkook about what I'm gonna tell you." Yoongi began.

I nodded.

"Well... Jungkook is kind of not 100% vampire."

My mouth fell open.

"What do you mean 'kind of'?"

"What I mean, is that he still is fully vampire at the moment, but that can change, if he's not wearing that ring and drink that poison by full moon." He explained.

"But... What is he?"

"If he wasn't wearing that ring or wasn't drinking that poison, he would be a werewolf."

"Seriously?! A werewolf? How's that even possible?" I said shocked.

"Well, let me explain."

~ Miyoung ~
When he touched me with his cold, but hearted hand, I saw his ring. Why the hell does he wear that ring?!

"What do you mean 'only werewolves wear', Miyoung."

I heard the shock in his voice. I fell the adrenaline through the bond.

"W-What I mean Jungkook... that is a ring only werewolves wear. Exactly what I told you." I said carefully.

"But that's impossible. I'm clearly a vampire. Nothing less nothing more. An ordinary vampire." he sounded angry.

"Jungkook, calm down, please. Maybe, it's just a ordinary ring. I'm gonna ask Jimin. Please calm down and come with me. It's gonna be alright." I said and placed my hand on his cheek. He grabbed it and leaned in.

When we arrived at Jimins office, Jungkook inhaled and exhaled deeply. His eyes became slowly red, I saw. It's so strange. First we were hugging each other with peace and suddenly we were arguing about a ring. I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door and saw Jimin sitting on a chair behind his computer. Hoseok sat on the other side, doing paperwork. He looked and waved at us.

"Hey, Miyoung. Hey, Jungkook." Jimin said.

"Hey Jimin. We've found something really rare."

He looked confused.

"Well, tell me about it."

"It's about a ring."

"What kind of ring?"

"Uh... a ring that Jungkook is wearing... at the moment." I said carefully.

"Okay, can you show me?." Jimin said and stood up.

I looked at Jungkook. His eyes were red as blood. I touched his hand. He shocked a bit, but then nodded. I grabbed his hand and showed Jimin. Jimin's eyes immediately grew wide and then stared at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, where and how did you get this?" He said curious.

"F-from my family..." he answered.

I saw him thinking and then he suddenly popped his head up and asked a new question.

"And maybe a weird question, but do you have to drink a kind of poison by full moon?"


Jimin again shocked by his answers. He quickly ran to his computer and searched something.

"What's wrong, Jimin?" Hoseok asked. "Can I do something?"

Jimin didn't answer and was still concentrated on the screen. He touched the last key on the keyboard and then rode. After some minutes he again stared at Jungkook and stood up.

"Jungkook... is it possible that you're the son of the hybrid Jeon Hyunwoo?" Jimin asked.

I looked at Jungkook. His eyes were still red, but this time his eyes were in shock and big.

"Yes, I am."

~ TBC ~

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