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I lied. I could see no way out of this. Lily had already explained all their attempts to leave this wretched island. Sailing was no use. If you got past the damn creepers on the shore then the waves would swallow you. Or you'd be eaten by the sharks. They had searched the whole island but found nothing. They had sent a group of 10 kids to the
South east but only one made it back. Louis. The rain was falling steadily. Thunder rumbled in the distance. My body was numb. The atmosphere was gloomy. I looked at the picture in my locket. Then closed it. I examined my fingers. The skin was raw. Do I have any cool powers? I asked myself. Probably not. My stomach rumbled. When was the last time I had eaten? Cheer up guys! Louis broke the heavy silence. I know things are bad but we can do this! I know we can! He grinned. I admired Louis. He was a born leader. He smiled easily and was kind. His eyes held so much more ... I admired the way he looked after everyone. How he kept them going. Lee gave a small chuckle. Optimist, he mumbled. I'm starving ! Lily groaned. Me too... Louis sighed. This rain isn't stopping any time soon. He opened his backpack. Okay we got those fruits we found in the morning. Lee scoffed. Three fishes from yesterday and gosh! My bag stinks! He brought out three fishes wrapped in leave from his backpack. We store food whenever we find it, Lily explained. We try to stay as far from the camp as we can. Don't want them to find us. But the island keeps changing . Although the distances are the same. Like a field we were in could change into the forest but we'd be the same distance from camp. Who feels like lighting up a fire? Louis shouted.

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