As long As We Are Together

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I speed walked ahead. My eyes searching for a familiar face. They would be safe right? They couldn't possibly die... The tears kept flowing. My heart felt like it weighted a ton. I started running in all directions too scared of what I might find. The bodies were scattered. They were so young... How? How could someone do this? A bitterness sprouted in my heart and grew into flaming anger. I vowed to burn the culprit to death. The others weren't here, maybe they went into the forest. I knew I didn't have much chance of finding them but I had too! They were all I had! Even though they left, it was still a comfort knowing they would be okay. I started screaming for them.I shouted and shouted until the lump in my throat was too much. I finally halted, the fear overwhelming me. Suddenly a hand pulled over my mouth. I tried to scream and kick whoever it was. Panic entered my veins. I shut my eyes and started kicking , punching and biting. The hand flew back with a familiar "Ow!" I snapped back to see a black boy clutching his hand to his chest , his face showed pain. His hear looked like a birds nest and his eyes were red and puffy. He was bruised and muddy. But the relief I felt when I saw Lee was one of the best feelings in the world. For a moment nothing mattered. Ii took a step wanting to embrace him and make sure he was real. But I realized that we had not left on the best of terms... His words were like a knife to my chest. Yes. he was my family and a brother. But he didn't see me like that. No, he blamed me. He hated me. Suddenly his expression softened and I realized his eyes were glassy . What he did next was impossible to imagine. He put his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He was an inch taller than me so he put his head on my shoulder. Ii was too shocked to react. My shirt was soon wet from his tears. He was sobbing quietly. I put my arms around him and couldn't help but smile. Yes, we were going to die like those children who burnt but I had Lee by my side...He started whispering " Im so sorry! I was so stupid! An asshole! How could I say that to you! Jerk! Ii didn't mean any of that! Ii was just upset about Lily! I am feeling so damn guilty! Please Amara! I know..." his voice broke. I patted his back. "Its fine" I said. He pulled away and looked at me in awe. I nodded. He collected himself." Nice seeing you princess!" He grinned. I grinned too.

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