Fire in Me

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Lily and Louis left to gather wood for the fire. Lily of course knew how to get some while Louis went to protect her. Katie was asleep and me and Lee were engulfed by an awkward silence. I didn't trust you at first you know... Lee speaks. Huh? Was my response. Lee
smirks. It was weird you know? 2 years with no kids and then we suddenly find a girl on the shore of all places. I was scared. Still am. Who put us here? Why us? Kids aren't supposed to be going through this! Starving and dying and... knowing you could die any moment! Gosh I sound like a whiner ! It's okay, I say. It isn't right ! He beams at me. I'm so lame you know. Louis and Lily... even Katie have awesome powers that could kill anyone. Me? He scoffs. Super senses to detect creepers! What use if I can't kill them. Lily had a knife and
Louis has a spear. I got glasses man! I chuckle. You aren't that bad! I tease. Ouch! He winces. I laugh. Here we are in a cave on an island , cold and hungry but al least we got each other. Lily and Louis arrived with the wood. They were wet . Katie woke up and we went to work on the fire. Louis was furiously trying to start a fire while Lee was
shouting at him for doing it wrong. Lily and I were laughing with Katie. Katie didn't speak much. Or at all. I though she was mute till I heard her laugh.Oh move! I scoff as I take the wood from Louis. You think you can do this? He grinned. You'll only just yourself. I scowl at him. Within a minute we have roaring fire.Everyone cheers. The fire has is so warm and the cave feels cozy. We sit in a circle while Lily cooks the fish and then we eat. Everything is so good. We spend the night joking and singing over the crackling fire. Right now I don't care about creepers or the maniac who put us here. He have a family l have a family
who cares about me right here. And we'll be okay. You okay Amara? Louis asks. I just woke up on an island with no memories and a creepy creeper attacked me but I was rescued my a group of kids and we're probably going to die so of course I'm okay! I sat sarcastically. They all laugh.

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