Creepers Suck

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I shake my head. What is going on? I croak. They stop and stare at me. This place isn't supposed to exist! We aren't supposed to be here! Why can't we remember? Lily looks at me sympathetically. I know its hard... Her voice shakes. Honestly I have no idea what is going on but we gotta work on it right? We'll figure something out. I can see the pain in her eyes. Figure something? Lee scoffs. Been wandering this freaking island for months. What the hell dis we find yet? Louis turn to him sternly. We can't give up! Not now! Katie grips his hand. She looks so scared. We are not going to just give up! He shouts. Lee nods sheepishly . So care to tell me what going on? I comment. Two years ago, a hundred kids woke up here. No memory , each with a backpack and supplies. The oldest were 17 and the youngest 10. It was chaos. But we organised and set up a camp at the centre of the island. Whoever sent us here, gave us tents. We elected a leader. Greg... He gives a low growl. We find the place swarming with creepers and creature that... It took months to catch on. And we started sending parties to search the island. Someday to get off and nothing seems to work. If you try to sail away you disappear in the waves. Those kids weren't heard from again. Maybe they got out? I ask. He shakes his head. We waited for someone to save us! Lee adds. It's a stupid idea! Someone put us here! It wasn't an accident! But who? Lily sighs . Anyway so we starting loosing a lot of people. There were 70 of us left. Someone figured we'd find answers in the southeast... He stops. 10 kids went and I was the only one back. He voice shakes. So Greg reckons that there's no way out. He doesn't want to send anymore kids out there. He convinced the kids to build a proper camp. A safe place. It's fine really.. You get duties and you hunt but in reality you're just sitting ducks. So me and Lee decided to run away and caught up this these two so we've been searching the island for more myths. For clues... Back at camp, every moment they tell us what we're supposed to do. To wait and hope for the best... He smirks. Didn't work out did it? Lily chuckles. Anything else? I ask. We all got freakish powers man! Lee shouts.

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