Almost there

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The path turned downhill as the broken kids marched to find their home. Their path was covered in thorns and bushes. The fog scared them, but what was the scariest thing was what could be lurking behind it.

I had never felt more nervous. Lee was muttering furiously . Louis had Katie clinging to him. Lily slid her hand into mine. Everyone was scared. No one denied it. Doubt begin to grow in my heart. So if it was a way out? Where do we go then? The creators were just gonna let us waltz home? I shook the thought away but it kept coming back to me. But hope still clung onto my heart. It was foolishly stupid. I begin to feel a headache. One of the worst ever. My brain was burning. I heard voices in my head. They didn't make sense. I touched my forehead and winced. Lily looked at me in concern. I shook her off. " We're going to die aren't we?" Katie said out loud. We all stopped at once. My heart ached. No one said a word. Katie was trying hard not too break down. Whenever I looked at Katie, I cursed the creators. She was 11. She was scared. She was so innocent and gentle... I knew everyone was protective of her. So was I. I wanted her to stay like this. Pure... I wouldn't let anything make her the monster we all were. I crouched down to her and held her hand. " Never say that Kate. Never. Because there is only hope and that tiny piece of hope can blossom and light your way home. But remember this, whatever happens you will always have a home. With us. And we'll never give up. Because we're strong. And you're the strongest." She smiled a watery smile. My own smile shook as I stood up. Louis held the little girls hand tight. Lee went back to his maps. I felt the urge to cry. But I had to be strong. After about another two hours walking. Nothing had changed in our surroundings. We badly needed a rest. " We can climb the trees and rest for an hour or two" Louis blankly said. We all began to climb. I remembered the last time we did this and smiled. Louis was talking to Katie on their tree. Lily was lying with a blank look on hers.I frowned when I saw Lee. He was hunched over his papers shaking a bit. His head was bent. I climbed his tree and stood on a branch a little lower than his. His face was red and eyes were glassy. He was staring at the papers mumbling. ' Worthless...Cant do it... Stupid... variables" He didn't even notice me. " Lee?" I gently said. His head snapped up. " You okay?" I asked. " Great" he said. I frowned at him. " None of us are Lee, Its okay" He snapped. " No its not! I'm supposed to know! I'm supposed to be able to figure this out! You all got super cool powers and what do I get? I can't kill stuff and now I can't solve this simple map and lead us home!" Tears started pouring out his eyes. " I'm scared I'm gonna let you all down" He whimpered. " We believe in you Lee" I pressed. " You can do this! I know! And you are special Lee! Just as much as me! And you can do this! You are the most smartest adult here" He chuckled at my lame joke. He nodded. I smiled. H smiled back. I leaned by the branch and fell asleep. I was woken up by shouts and growling. Growling? I opened my eyes to see everyone climbing down. I panicked and almost fell off. " Amara!" Louis screamed. They were almost down. I climbed down as fast as I could. Lee shouted, " Run!" And thats what we did. Lee at the front sprinting. Lily after him. Then Louis who was carrying Katie. Then me . My chest burnt as I tried to keep up. The growling grew louder. Lee had the compass in his hand and a look of determination. " Those things can climb!" Lily screamed. " Left!" Lee shouted and we followed.

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