End Game

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I sat on a Roark not really talking to anyone as they discussed strategies. Things are changing damn it! Lee shouted. The weather, the shifting and the creepers! Something big is coming ! Louis was annoyed. Let it come! We should prepare ourselves and find answers quick! Lee laughed.
You think it's about getting off this
island? No it's about survival ! And our best chance it the camp! They went on fighting on. I didn't bother listening. I felt different from that girl who woke up on the beach. I played with my locket. I'd changed. I didn't want to but I had. I had seen more war and blood than most people. And I was 16!!! I felt dirty. Contaminated. Like this disease inside of me. Crushing my lungs. But I couldn't help but feel that its all wrong. That's how if felt. Wrong... Like I was supposed to be here. We weren't . No we should be with our families . Laughing and drinking and dating. Like normal teenagers. I look at my friends, no family. All I see is how much they've been through. I barely notice Katie sitting next to me. Its frightening! She sighs out loud. I look back at her. She nods and says, them fighting like that. It makes me sick. I smile. We are going to get out right? Her eyes are pleading. I don't know what to say. She looked at her feet sadly. I miss home... Wherever that is! I put an arm around her. Don't lose hope! Right Kate? Hope! For the best , for home... But it's false hope! She argues. No hope is false hope! I told her. Specially not hope to go home. She smiles. They finally make up those mind and calculate blahblahblah... And we start moving. Little did we know that the end game is here.

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