Death Never Listens

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Nine hours later....

My body was broken. I had reached my limit. We had kept on going and stopping for an hour of rest. We hardly talked. We had managed to lose the creepers until a few minutes ago. The sky was the same but the fog wasn't as thick. We could at least see clearly. " Almost there!" Lee screamed. I could see it. The sea... It was gray and the waves were angry. We had reached the end of the island. We were tapped. I made to turn back but realized it was too late. Where would we go? " Lee?" Lily groaned. " Its supposed to be here!" He shouted angrily. Then I noticed it. A very strange shaped rock. I was very huge. But it called out to me. I flicked a bit of the dust away. Something clicked in my mind. Instructions. I started at my palms. We had the power to do it. The powers.... " Louis!" I screamed over the wind. "Use your powers on it! Everyone!" They all stared at me. The creeper were almost here. " Now!" I screamed. Fire came out from my hands and pushed into the rock . I used every bit of my powers. My knees buckled but I stood strong. I was startled to see vines tug the the rock and an a jet of water slam into it. I saw Katie and Lily deep in concentration. Suddenly, an invisible force struck the rock. We gave it every last bit of us. Then it moved... It didn't crack or break like I thought. Instead it opened outwards like a perfect door. We were too dumbfounded for a moment. The creepers brought us out of our daze as me ran to the way out. Katie was thrown in first. Then Lee. The creepers were a mile away I hurried in and almost lost my balance on the steps. Louis hurried in and pulled the door shut just as the creepers reached us. We all stood panting in the dark. We were too shocked. We had survived.... But it felt wrong. No one spoke. After two or three steps a clear path led straight. There was a dim light at the end of it. Louis was the first to move. We walked dreamily after him. After a minute , a strange sight met us. A very large metal door with two torches of fire on both sides which gave a surprising amount of fire. On the door were strange cravings. I walked too it. It felt familiar. The boys tried to pry it open or use their powers on it. It wouldn't budge. We were so close. I ran my hand around the cold metal of the door. The cravings didn't make any sense. A memory tugged at the corner of my mind. Suddenly a voice sent chill down my back " The door wont open. You'll all die here , without a sacrifice..." I lost my balance for a moment. I tried so hard to swallow the lump in my throat. I knew it... One of us had to die while the others lived. I looked at my fiends with glassy eyes. They looked worn out, tired and bloody but I could literally sense hope radiating out of their bodies. They were scared. So was I... How could I ask any one of them to die for me? How would I live with myself? They had been struggling for two years. I was the one who gave them hope. I deserved to die. I couldn't stop the tears as I took out my dagger from my pocket. I leaned against the door and looked at them one last time. I smiled weakly and lifter the dagger closer to me. " Princess?" Lee said shakily. Without hesitation I plunged it into my stomach. The pain was so sharp, I could taste blood in my mouth. I fell on my knees. There were screams an shouts as Louis raced to me. He put my head in his lap . " What did you do!" He cried. " It... was the only way" I whispered. Lee was crouching on my left and Lily was stroking my hair. " Lee!" Louis cried. " She's losing a lot of blood!" He cried. ' Help her!" Katie whimpered from the back. She was sobbing. I managed a comforting smile. " I'll..." I grabbed Lee's hand as he tried to stand up. " You cant save me" I whispered. " Please don't" I teared up a bit. He gave a heartbreaking sob but nodded as he slowly sat down. " Princess" He choked. " I like that name" I whispered. I turned mt head to Lily. " How could you!" She cried. " I had to! I had to save you! You deserve..." My voice broke off as I coughed blood. " You're my sister Lil!" She sobbed. " You're mine. You're my family Amara!" She cried. I turned my attention to Louis whose shirt was soaked with blood. " It should have been me!" He cried so loud it made my heart break. " Don't say that! " He shook his head. His gripped on me tightened. " You can't leave! Its not supposed to be like this! Amara..." Tears didn't stop. Tears. They never stopped. But I didn't regret it. I was dying surrounded by my loved ones. I finally understood the girl who died in my arms that day. She wanted to die. " I love you... I love all of you" The last thing I heard before fading away was their screams. But death doesn't listen.

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