Star Light

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We were pretty shaken up but we could not afford to be weak. The sky was grey now and we needed shelter. We decided to camp near the little stream. We would sleep in the trees as they were broad and would keep us safe. We hunted in vain for fish but we were to slow or careless and eventually gave up. Me and Lily gathered toadstools. She could just touch a plant and know if it was safe to eat. We also came upon an apple tree. But those apples were sour. Lily simply stood in front of the tree and touched it before the apples turned bright red and fell . We collected them and went back. Louis and Lee were scouting and Lee was busy calculating everything. I honestly had no idea what he was going on about. Katie was by the stream practicing her powers. Little sprouts of water lifted upwards before they fell back into the stream. I knew none of them had mastered their powers yet. Sure Louis could pull a few stunts but they couldn't use their powers offer as for some reason it attracted creepers. We didn't risk making a fire. Lee and Lily climbed a tree to the highest brach when it started to get dark. Katie climbed one next to them. I stared at the huge tree. How the hell to climb it? I tried and tried but scraped my palms and fell. Katie giggled and Louis let out a chuckle. Not funny! I shouted. You staying there all night princess? Lee shouted. Eventually Louis helped me a bit and I slowly climbed into a brach a little high from where Katie was sitting. The beaches were huge. I didn't need to worry about falling. Louis sat on a branch to my right. I stared at the scene around me. It was dark so O couldn't really see much. Wanna go higher? He grinned. I nodded. We climbed in a comfortable silence . We reached a broad branch at the top and I was stunned. I could see the tops of trees everywhere. And the stars, were they supposed to be so bright? It was so magical! Phenomenal! I leaned against the trunk. Why don't we sleep in trees more often? I ask. Well not many are this high, Louis shrugs. And there's always a risk. Some trees have bumblebee hives. They get you once and you're dead. And poison ivy and thorns but theses are the nice kind. I giggle. What? He smirks. When did our lives get so complicated? I ask.

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