About Time

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You're cruising along.  The story goes from one point to another.  Then you see it:

Le Time Skip.  

How you gonna mix up French and English?  What is this blasphemy!?

Spongebob voice- "_____ time later."  Anyone who has ever watched a season of Spongebob AUTOMATICALLY does this.

or the one I hate the most:

Time skip, cuz I can.  *eye roll*   We know you can.  You're the author.  You can do whatever the hell you want.  Shit's still annoying and unnecessary and makes you look like you didn't think this part of the story out too well.

For time skips just insert a deco bar, some ***, a page break, or indicate how much time has passed in the next paragraph.  That makes the piece seem more sophisticated and thought out.  

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