2) Hyacinth Dawn

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A nearby jogger happened to be present in the morning where Incendium laid in numbness. The waves crashed at her feet and the man approached her with caution. Once taking sight of her naval badge and name tag, he quickly pulled out his phone.

"Uh yes....there's an unconscious person on the beach......Laguna Beach. And there's a badge, does Captain In....Incendium? Incendium Haugen sound familiar? It does.....how long until you arrive?" The man asked. "Okay....yes, I can perform CPR. Thank you." He then tucked his phone into his pocket. Dragging Incendium's unconscious body to torrid lands was difficult. Clasping his right hand over his left hand, he began to proceed with the resuscitation.

"One....two....three....four....five....six....seven.....eight....nine.....ten." He continued until the blare of ambulance sirens rolled in.

"Thank you." A doctor praised.

"It wasn't a problem." The man claimed. The doctor nodded, whisking Incendium away.

"Contact the Pentagon.....we found one of their naval commanders." With that, they all headed straight for the hospital. Everyone except for the jogger, who shrugged and dashed back onto the beach. The ambulance sailed through the street, arriving hastily at the hospital as everyone rushed to prepare Incendium's arrival.

"What's the cause of injury?" The Doctor demanded.

"We're working on it. Perhaps an explosion in her ship's engine. There are signs of burnt marks all over her uniform, but she wasn't affected.

"Intriguing." The Doctor claimed. "What news from Pentagon?"

"They're sending Captain William Lennox." Another informed. The Doctor nodded in dismissal. "I'll check up on the patient." The medic dismissed. He signaled for the nurses to place Incendium on the bed, he brought out a flashlight and opened her eyes. Some of the nurses gasped while the remaining cranes their necks to see.

"Doc, Captain William Lennox is here." Someone acknowledged. A man walked in, fully clothed in a military uniform.

"Doctor Krii. A pleasure to meet you, Captain."

"The pleasure is mine. Have you found out the cause of injury?" He immediately asked.

"Not yet. I do have one question, is her eyes supposed to be red?"

"Yeah. She was born with it."

"A mutant?"

"I wouldn't know. Her father is unknown and blood tests confuse the doctors." Lennox mentioned. "It's neither A, B, or O."

"That's concerning." Doctor Krii blurted out. "What were the results? There had to be some sort of alphabet letter."

"It was BE."

"BE?" The specialist stared at Incendium. "Well, we'll work with that. At least we got some sort of hindsight that she's a blood type B."

"Perhaps. How long will she stay in the hospital?"

"We haven't got ahold of her conditions yet. There were signs of a fire, but she seems unaffected."

"I've tried to convince her many times to pursue her job in being a firefighter. But she's stubborn. She doesn't listen. There happened to be a building on fire nearby, she went in to save the dog. A full flaming house and came back in a perfect condition. Of course her clothes weren't too perfect." Lennox shrugged.

"Is she even human?" Doctor Krii asked. Lennox's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Oh she's human alright. I've known her for ten years. She may think it's completely normal, but I believe Incendium is capable of many things. However one thing I can't condone is when people ask if she's human." He growled. "Are you a doctor or do I need to demand for another one?"

"No, no, everything will be alright. Apologies for my rude comments." The medical practitioner stuttered.

"Her vital signs are growing stronger." A nurse mentioned.

"What? It's only been....." Doctor Krii stumbled. "Not even an hour has passed. She's already recovering? Her entire history is clean. Never any heart attacks. No asthma. Nothing."

"She does eat healthy." Lennox added in. "Though, her mom was strict on food."

"It's not that. Her body is repairing itself faster than any human being is capable of." Doctor Krii stared at the monitor. "If food were the cause....she would've eaten a lot of onions, kale, nuts, eggs, and drank milk."

"That's exactly what she ate every morning."

"How do you know that?"

"I would jog with her every morning, and when she came to the door, she would be drinking milk, or eating nuts."

"At this rate, she'll be out of the hospital by tomorrow morning."

"Well, I'll come pick her up tomorrow morning." Lennox claimed excitedly. "What's the hospital bill?"

"They'll be ready for tomorrow. Thank you so much for your visit." Once he left, Doctor Krii stared at Incendium.

"Uh if she wakes up, prepare her a drink of water. Perhaps milk if she requests it." He suggested. The nurses chimed in response, shuffling around to make way for more patients.

 The nurses chimed in response, shuffling around to make way for more patients

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Yay, this chapter is longer! To be honest, I didn't know where to end. A conversation between Lennox and Doctor Krii?

Hope you guys have a good day/night! Peace out!

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