14) One Shall Stand

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The sound of gunshots continued to ricochet off of incoming Decepticons. Incendium slowly navigated her way through shocked humans, trying to find Will.

"Another one?!" One of the men shouted when spotting Incendium. "They keep on coming! Captain, what is your order?"

"Wait! Don't shoot! It's me, Incendium."

"My gods." Someone muttered. The new Decepticon knelt down, her face plate meeting theirs.

"She's not going to hurt us." Will assured. "She's on the Autobot team, despite her appearance."

"Is there anything I can assist you of? Optimus sent me here as backup."

"Yeah, we need one hell of a backup." The man besides Will spoke. "I'm Epps. Good to have some Decepticon asset."

"Where is the Cube?"

"It's on its way to safety." Will informed. "Can you transform?" Incendium shook her helm.

"I have not acquired a vehicle form. Though I'm still debating over a car or perhaps a form of aircraft."

"Definitely a car." Will insisted. "But I can see why you're considering aircraft. They may come in handy sometimes."

"Incoming!" Someone shouted. There, charging straight towards them was another Decepticon made from a vending machine. "They keep attacking!"

"They're Decepticons! Of course they keep attacking!" Incendium cried out. Her pointed her right arm directly at it, while metal parts altered to create a canon. The blast sent the Decepticon flying to another block. She heard the men simultaneously cheer and sigh in relief. "Don't get too excited. The Cube creates anything that's made of technology into Decepticons."

"Why not Autobots?"

"I don't know. Perhaps Optimus can provide us with an answer." The men continued to move up ahead, where the other Autobots reunited with them. There were two figures toppling into buildings, with inaudible shouts. Incendium moved closer, priming her canon.

"It's just you and me, Megatron."

"No it's just me, Prime!"

"At the end of this day, one shall stand and one shall fall." Optimus stood, ready to attack when Megatron crashed into the Autobot, both flying into another building.

"You still fight for the weak! That's why you lose!" Megatron shouted, throwing Optimus into another building. Incendium charged her canon, firing at the Decepticon. Megatron growled but before he could fire back, Optimus intercepted. Sam dragged away, clutching the Cube tightly. Incendium continued to fire her canon at Megatron, while Optimus crawled towards Sam, but was kicked away by Megatron.

"Mine! The All-Spark is mine!" Megatron shouted. Incendium got rid of her canons and replaced it with a blade. She charges Megatron, who easily picked her up, throwing Incendium into Optimus. The Autobot leader manages to reach Sam, shielding the boy from Megatron's blows.

"Sam, put the Cube into my chest, now!"

"No! Don't!" Incendium cried. Sam's eyes widened, looking around for help. He then ran towards Megatron.

"No! Sam!" Optimus shouted. The Cube melted into Megatron's chest, who gargled in pain. He then collapsed, his red optics staring at Incendium as it flickered dim.

"You let me no choice, brother." Optimus pulled a small remnant of the Cube from Megatron's chassis. "Sam, I owe you my life. We are within your debt." A truck pulled up to a stop with Bumblebee latched onto the back.

"Prime, we couldn't save him." Ironhide approached, holding the remains of Jazz. Incendium lowered her helm.

"Jazz....." Optimus sighed. "We lost a great comrade....but gained new ones." He began, staring directly at Incendium, but then his gaze flickered to Will and his men.

"Thank you. All of you. You honor us with your bravery." Optimus nodded.

"Permission to speak, sir." Bumblebee requested.

"Permission granted, old friend."

"I wish to stay with the boy."

"If that is his choice." While the men congratulated each other and honored for the men that were lost, Optimus made his way towards Incendium.

"Thank you, Incendium. Despite your background you chose to fight your own kind."

"My kind? My kind is the Autobots now." Incendium informed. A vehicle surpassed, seemingly scanning the ruins. Something clicked inside of her, as green scanners roamed the car. Once the frames were installed into her processor she reconstructed into the same model.

"Woah, sweet ride." Will observed. "A Maserati, I should've known." He then chuckled. The entire car was jet black from head to toe.

"She should go hunting during the night." Sam joked. "The Decepticons wouldn't be able to see you other than your blazing red eyes." Incendium shifted back to a Transformer. Her height shrunk as her helm reached Optimus' chassis.

"She doesn't look like Megatron."

"That's the point." Incendium said.

"But before you were nearly towering over Optimus, it looked.....frightening. I liked that." Will mentioned.

"I hate being tall." She grumbled. Then her optics shifted to the icon on her shoulder. "Could we....change that?" She requested, motioning towards the Decepticon imprinted on her.

"We will." Optimus assured.

Aye! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was considering on changing Incendium's name to Eclipse

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Aye! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was considering on changing Incendium's name to Eclipse. But nahhhhhhh. I mean, if you guys want me to change it, then comment!

For those who celebrates Yom Kippur, happy fasting! Good luck and enjoy your weekday!

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