18) The Fallen

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"Citizens of the human hive, your leaders have withheld the truth. You are not alone in the universe. We have lived among you, hidden, but no more. As you've seen, we destroy your cities at will, unless you turn over this boy." She didn't need a television to know who The Fallen was talking about. She sighed in defeat, turning off the radio. Incendium followed after the Autobots, with Optimus dangling from the helicopter. She could see Will and a few men walking towards them, expressions full of confusion and grief. The helicopter detached the wires from Optimus, as the leader fell to the floor. The Autobots surrounded Optimus as jeeps laoded with guns arrived, aiming directly at the Transformers.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sideswipe demanded.

"You dare put a gun on me?" Ironhide huffed. "You want a piece of me? I will tear you apart!"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Drop your weapons!" Will shouted. Incendium transformed, her optics lowering in sadness. "Incendium, tell them to calm down." Will begged.

"Will, they just lost their leader."

"Drop your weapons!" Will banged the Jeep. "Tell them to lower the weapons!"

"Tell them first."

"No, tell them to lower the weapons!"

"Major, there's nothing I can do. Talk to him." From the Jeep emerged Director Galloway.

"The N.E.S.T Team is deactivated. You are to cease anti Decepticon operations and return to Diego Garcia." Director Galloway ordered. "Pending further order."

"No, we take our orders from Chairman Morshower." Will protested.

"Well I'll see your chairman in the joint room, from the president of the United States, I have operational command now." Director Galloway flashed a piece of paper to Lennox. "An alien blood feud has been brought to our shores and now our soldiers are paying the price. The secret is out! This is our war now and we will win this war like we always have! With the coordinated military strategy."

"This fool is terribly misinformed." Ratchet mumbled to the Autobots.

"We need every asset we got." Will argued.

"What we need is to draw battle plans." Director Galloway informed. "We'll explore every possible diplomatic solutions."

"Like what, handing over the kid?"

"All options are being considered."

"Whatever the Decepticons are after, this is just a beginning." Another soldier warned Director Galloway.

"There's no negotiating with them!" Will protested.

"I'm ordering you to stand down." Director Galloway sneered. "You won't be needing this anymore. Get your assets back to base! And take that pile of scrap metal back to Diego Garcia. Let's go!" He ripped Will's badge off and Incendium activated her canon, pointing it directly at Galloway.

"Lower your gun." Will growled out. Incendium willingly did so, but her red optics continued to glower down at Director Galloway. He fumbled to get into the Jeep, hastily driving away.

"I really don't like that dude. He's an asshole." Epps patted Will on the back.

"Autobots, report to hangar for transport." The intercom announced.

"Ironhide, we should leave this planet." Ratchet suggested.

"That's not what Optimus would want." Incendium growled. She then transformed back into a Maserati, driving away and leaving the rest to eat her dust.

 She then transformed back into a Maserati, driving away and leaving the rest to eat her dust

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Short chapter. The next one will be really long....since the end of PART II is arriving :3 so, have a great weekday!! And peace out!

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