3) Crimson Blood

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Incendium was sitting in a cafe, feeling the fragrance of coffee rise to her nose. The outline of San Francisco seemed to magically glow under the sunlight. Incendium took the cup of coffee and began to sip. When the bitter taste turned to something thick and metallic, she stopped to glance at the mug. It was flooding with blood as it seeped into the floor, the earth began to crumble. She screamed as darkness devoured her.

"Well, what have we here? An earthling?" A voice chuckled. Red dots flashed from the caliginosity. "Interesting. An earthling and a Decepticon! Perhaps I knew your makers, who were they?"

"I don't know!" Incendium shouted. "I never met them!"

"Oh, you poor thing! Perhaps the makers were attempting to hide you from someone. Stuffing you into that measly mortal body." The voice grinned. "The real question is, child, when I come to conquer your tiny planet, will you help me or stand against me?"

"You really want to ask that? Of course I would stand against you! It is my own duty to protect and serve my planet against evil doers!" She claimed.

"Evil doers? You really think I'm evil?"

"From the sound of it."

"So quick to judge." It taunted. "You don't even know who I am."

"I don't need to." Incendium chided. "I heard your voice. So when you come to earth, hoping for another planet to be in your command, you'll find the residents defending their home."

"You are a Decepticon, yet you speak like an Autobot." The voice grumbled. "We call them, traitors!" Incendium woke up, gasping as the morning sun greeted her.

"Enjoy your beauty sleep?"

"Will!" Incendium exclaimed in exasperation. "What am I doing here?"

"I thought you would know. We found your aircraft carrier blown to pieces just ten minutes ago."

"What day is it?"

"It's Friday morning, duh."

"What? I remember my ship being blasted last Thursday.....I was–"

"Drifting out at sea for seven days." He finished. "Do you know what caused it?"

"No, just an engine malfunction."

"Okay. So I know how much you hate hospitals....I bear good news! You're being discharged today! Once Doctor Krii comes back with the bill."

"Can we get breakfast? Brunch? I'm starving."

"Typical." Lennox smirked. "Sure, let me guess, a Veggie and Hummus Sandwich?" Incendium heard a loud growl from her stomach.

"That's a definite yes." She smiled sheepishly. After the Doctor handed William Lennox a packet of papers, they hastily stumbled out of the hospital. "Anything interesting in your life? It has been at least two years since we saw each other."

"My wife gave birth to our daughter, and I'll be able to go home soon." He grinned.

"Do I know her?"

"Yeah, Sarah. Don't you remember her?"

"Oh Sarah! Wow seriously? I remember helping you get her as your prom date." Incendium smiled. Will grinned back, his eyes softening at her face.

"It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back. Being completely blatant, setting out for sea is difficult. I almost got tired of the cerulean ocean on the third day." Incendium sighed. "Any problems during the military?"

"Only one thing. You're still single."

"And it's better that way." Incendium groaned.

"Any men in your life you....admire?"


"C'mon! There has to be one!" Will exclaimed in frustration.

"There's only you in my life, but you're like my brother. I just want it to stay that way." Incendium informed. "Maybe I'll find someone that doesn't think I'm a freak. Evil. Mutant."

"There's someone alright. You just gotta look."

AYO! What's up guys? Hope you all enjoyed this update! And let's take his moment to remember 9/11

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AYO! What's up guys? Hope you all enjoyed this update! And let's take his moment to remember 9/11. To all the firefighters, police, families, and the workers in the Twin Towers.

Never Forget

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