20) No More Sun

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Once the pilot announced the end of the destination, Will and his men jump of the plane. Once everyone had exited, Incendium waited a few seconds before shoving Optimus out. She clutched onto him, lingering until Will gave her the signal.

"Pull his chute!" Will shouted. She did so and was almost thrown off of Optimus from the impact. They slowly descended onto the sandy terrain of Egypt. Will and his men joined Incendium and Optimus, detaching the parachute.

"Cover Optimus!" Graham ordered.

"Secure the village, get those cases down here!" Will then added in. "We need snipers and stingers up high!"

"Yes sir!" They piped in unison.

"So we just dropped ten tons of dead robot out in the middle of nowhere. I sure hope this lil kid knows what he's doing...." Epps pointed out.

"Yeah, me too." Will mumbled. Incendium stuck by Optimus.

"We got a visual! Yellow team! Full clicks!"

"Hot flare!" Will announced. The man shot something into the air, signaling their location. Incendium glanced around, sensing another presence other than Sam's. After ejecting the flare into the sky, a strange jet circled around.

"Things got alien tattoos all over it." Epps peered into his binoculars. "That ain't Air Force." A strange radioactive sensation rolled through the sky, piercing Incendium's audio receptors.

"Augh!" She groaned.

"What the hell was that?" Will asked.

"Anyone copy?" Epps asked into his device.

"Anyone there?" Will demanded. "Who's up?"

"Can you copy?"

"It's dead."

"EMP burst." Epps suggested. "Let's see how this day's going on this god forsaken desert." They moved to higher grounds, scanning the entire landscape for Sam.

"Nothing." Epps groaned.

"Alright, go burn an SOS. Let them know we need some help." Will exhaled calmly. "Shoot more flares, perhaps the kid can find us." Two more flares went bursting into the sky.

"I wouldn't do that." Incendium warned. "That jet was Starscream. We can't risk having the Decepticons know our location!" Incendium groaned when another presence, one that was too familiar, arrived.

"Are you okay?"

"Megatron. He's here!"

"Incoming!" One soldier cried out, pointing directly at the sky. Thirteen meteor-like objects landed a few miles away, and Incendium snarled in distate.

"We've got thirteen of them!" One soldier counted.

"This ain't good." Epps pointed out.

"Oh, I thought it was going great." Incendium scoffed sarcastically. "They're trying to occupy us, making sure we can't reach Sam." Epps ignored her, peering over the destroyed building.

"We bout to get our asses whooped!"

"Alright those Decepticons are searching for Sam, whatever he has he thinks he can bring Optimus back to life! So our mission is to find him and get him to Optimus!" Will plans. "Alright we're going to draw our fire from the left flank! I need a scout team!"

"I'm needed." Ironhide mumbled to the Autobots.

"Walk through the middle of Arcee and Ironhide. Alright, when you see the precious cargo I want you to pop green smoke and come back through those pillars. We'll have the ambush set." Will commanded. "Incendium, I need you to kill as many Decepticons as you can!" She nodded, activating her mouth piece.

"Alright let's go!" Will shouted. "Move out!" Incendium charged the incoming Decepticons, her blade and canon at the ready.

"Decepticons like you bring dishonor!" One shouted at her. She plunged her sword into its chest, growling back.

"Well that's great, cause I'm no longer a Decepticon. I'm an Autobot." As her sword scraped out, she fired the canon into its helm. Another Decepticon attacked her from behind, she kicked them away as a second tackled Incendium.

"Die!" One Decepticon pounded their fist into her helm. She groaned, sending the Decepticon on top of her flying into the sand.

"You die!" She snapped its helm from its bipedalism cord (the spine). The remaining Decepticon backed away, priming their canon at her face plate. She lunged at their legs, causing it to snap backward. It shrieked in agony. Her canon met its face plate, piling a hole through the Decepticon.

"That's three down! Ten more to go!" Incendium counted. Four more slowly approached her, they glanced at each other as if communicating. "Oh yeah, bring it on and your optics will never shine again." The Decepticons all bombarded her simultaneously. One stabbed her in the back plate, booting her to the ground.

"I dare you to repeat that." As another pointed a sword at her throat.

"Gladly." Incendium growled. Picking herself up from the ground and using two of her legs to send two Decepticons into the air. She then grabbed the one that placed their blade at her neck, and tossed it towards the two distracted Decepticons. The remaining once fired their canon at her, but she easily dodged it. Summoning her dagger, Incendium drove the blade into their chassis, twisting it mercilessly. Walking up to the three tangled Decepticons, Incendium charged her canon.

"Like I said, your optics will never shine again." She repeated. Then her canons left a hole in their face, staring back at Incendium with their intake gaping open.

It's getting harder to write my own character, ooF! Once it comes to Dark of the Moon, it'll be harder

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It's getting harder to write my own character, ooF! Once it comes to Dark of the Moon, it'll be harder. I apologize in the near future when I can't quote them correctly.

They talk so fast I can't catch up XD

Peace out!

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