16) Disturbances

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"I see that your road to adaption from a Decepticon birth to an Autobot life is not so planate." Optimus spoke. Incendium stared at the Autobot brand that a blacksmith welded from the Decepticon symbol. 

"Is it that obvious?"

"Perhaps." Optimus stated. "It was your decision and many will accuse you of treason. I believe you can live through it."

"Thanks for the optimism." Incendium grinned at her joke. Optimus gave a soft smile.

"You did good....Incendium." Ironhide finally spoke. She was caught by surprise at his remark but lightened up.

"Thanks. You were awesome too." She returned the gesture as Ironhide casually slipped away. "Why isn't Bee here? Freshmen aren't allowed to have cars for college."

"I am well aware. I believe Bee wanted to give Sam a proper farewell."

"I suppose."

"Alright! Pack it up!" Will ordered. "Time to go." Masking haste into their automobile forms, the Autobots gathered inside the airplane. As the men quickly followed after. Will patted the hood of Incendium's car.

"You did great."

"Thanks." Incendium spoke through the radio. The airplane quivered as it took off to the sky. The entire flight was nothing but silence, though the chatter between Will and his men filled the ominous silence. When the aircraft landed, it was already morning in Diego Garcia.

"Autobot twins, report to hangar three." The voice announced over the monitor. Incendium followed Ironhide as she noted Optimus separating from the group. They stood to the side in the Autobot hangar.

"We have intel that I believe warrants wants an immediate debrief. Now with your permission, I can't let you see him, but I would like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots." Will spoke.

"Proceed." Optimus transformed as he glimpsed back at the people standing behind him.

"General, our alliances countermanded six Decepticon excursions this year. Each on a different continent." He acknowledged. "They're clearly searching around the world for something. But last night's encounter came with a warning."

"'The Fallen shall rise again.'"

"The Fallen meaning what?"

"Origin unknown. The only recorded of our race was contained within the All-Spark. Lost within its destruction."

"Excuse me!" Director Galloway interrupted. "If this so called, All-Spark now destroyed, why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought it would?" Incendium revved her engine in a threatening tone.

"Easy." Ironhide warned.

"Director Galloway, our national security advisor. The president just appointed him our Liaison." Will pointed out.

"Well I guess I didn't get that memo."

"Forgive the interrupt, General." He proceeded. "Excuse me. Excuse me. Coming through." Director Galloway made his way in front of Optimus.

"After all the damage in Shanghai, the President is umm, hard pressed to say the job's getting done." He noted. "Now, under the classified alien Autobot Cooperation Act. You agreed to share your intel with us, but not your advancements in weaponry."

"We've witnessed your human capacities for war, it would absolutely bring more harm than good."

"But who are you, to judge what's good for us?"

"All due respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for two years." Will interjected.

"We've shared blood sweat and precious metal together." Epps finally added in.

"Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk."

"Don't tempt me."


"And the, um, newest members of your team, I understand they arrived here after you sent a message into space. An open invitation. Come to earth." The man mentioned. "Let's not forget that Decepticon, who is now proved to be the offspring of NBE-1." Pointing directly at Incendium.

"Let me stop you right there Mr. Galloway. It was vetted right here. And in my experience the judgement of both Major Lennox and his team, along with Captain Haugen, the Decepticon of which you speak of, has always been above reproach."

"I know that isn't the case, General. The President is concerned that our national security is at stake. No one is above reproach. Now what do we know so far? We know that the enemy leader, classified as NBE-1 AKA Megatron, is resting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss. Surrounded by social detection nets and a bolton submarine surveillance. We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien All-Spark is locked in a electromagnetic vault. Here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world. And since, no one, can seem to tell me, what the enemy is now after....Well, there's only one clear conclusion. You." He gestured to Optimus. "The Autobots. They're here to hunt you. What's there to hunt for on earth besides that? The Fallen? Shall rise again? Sounds to me like something's coming. So let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying you further asylum on our planet, will you leave, peacefully?"

"Freedom is your only right. If you make that request, we will honor it." Optimus began. Director Galloway nodded his head in understanding. "But before your president decides, please ask him this, what if we leave and you're wrong?"

 "But before your president decides, please ask him this, what if we leave and you're wrong?"

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Sorry for all the misquoted things. They talk so fast, I had to rewind a couple of times. But I just guessed on what Director Galloway said.....most of the time 😅 have a great day!

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