Ouija board

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Here I was placing my shaky hand onto the glass which lays on the board. Never play with a Ouija board heavens know what you will face. My grandma always warned me.

From a young age I have been obsessed with the idea of ghosts. As I got older the idea expanded and I would spend hours researching them. Then I discovered demons and the devil. As a Christian child I was brought up to believe in Satans existence. He was a fallen angel. But never in my life had I been told about the monsters.

My thoughts on demons is that the devil created them so he could see their struggle in pain. They feed from people's fear, they crave the living and thats what he wants them to do. To destroy the human raise by possessing gods humans? No. He would just torture us and the beasts he created for his own enjoyment.

"Are you sure we should do this? What if something happens." My friend Adrienne worries.

"Addie baby," Louis, my best friend, adrienne's boyfriend cooed, pulling her blonde her from her face and tucking it behind her ear. "If anything does speak to us nothing will happen but that, they cant hurt us. They are dead." The dead are stronger than we will ever be, they have nothing to fear. I think to myself.

"Promise?" She smiled holding up her pinky. He quickly hooked his on to hers and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Promise." He whispered before kissing her again. Ignoring my presence he started kissing down her neck and she giggled.

"Get a room." I grumbled and they both laughed.

"Aw is Georgia jealous. Oh maybe if we get some ghost to reply he can be you're new boyfriend!" Louis joked but it wasn't funny.

"Can we just get on with it, I'm tired." Adrienne yawned.

We all placed the tops of our fingers on the glass, only lightly touching it. I give them both a quick glance before asking a question. I cleared my throat.

"Hello is anyone there?" I asked and nothing happened. Louis bursted out laughing which I thought was pretty rude, he was so irritating tonight.

"Hello is anyone there?" He mocked my voice. I glared at him. "What? George that was the most shittiest question to ask! Thought you was into all of this ghost crap." I hated it when he called me George.

"Why don't you ask a question then?" I shot back.

"Fine I will." He said and then placed his eyes back onto the board. "Have you ever killed anyone?" He asked and again nothing happened.

"Fuck this nothing's even-" adrienne began but the glass quickly moved shocking us all. 'Yes' is circled. We all fell silent. I could feel the pounding of my heart against my chest. "Was that one of you?" Louis asked turning to us. He was obviously scared, his eyes wide, skin gone pale. Before we had chance to speak the board did for us. 'No' . I was freaking out. A ghost was right here right now, communicating with us.

"What's your name?" I asked. But the glass stayed still. Louis repeated the question but it still stayed still.

"I don't want to play this anymore." Adrienne moaned. "Please I am tired and this...this is.. Crazy. Come on lets go." Before she could move her finger tips from the glass it moved to 'no' again. Indicating us not to leave.

"Baby it will be ok." Louis said and she rested her head on his shoulder. "If you won't tell us you're name why don't you tell us how many people you have killed." Louis dared and the glass moved again. Circling the number five. "Do you want to kill us?" He whispered and it moved to 'yes'. Adrienne gasped but I just sat there shocked. It couldn't hurt us right? "Why?" Louis gulped. And the glass moved to many letters on the board. He read out each one. "I want her." He finally said. "Who?" He asked. And the glass traced the letters that spelt my name. I instantly removed my fingers from the glass and got up to turn the lights on. Bullshit!

I went to the light switch but a force chucked me back when I tried to turn the light on. I went flying across the room and my body hit against the wall. "Nobody goes any where!" A demonic voice screams. The house shudders and the lights start to flash. We was all screaming, screaming for help. "Not tired now are you?" I deep voice shouted and then started cackling. "Boo!" He shouted and we all screamed.

"Help! Help!" I screamed. A face was right in front of me.

"And I thought you was fearless." He sneered and then vanished. All the lights turned on and we was greeted by the wrecked living room.

I have tried to make this Fan fiction scary, it does have violence and swear words in so if you are uncomfortable with that then I suggest you don't carry on. Please don't correct me because I have someone going through my work atm but that will obviously take time to go through.
This is a series, the second one is called Insanity so if you enjoy this, check that out.

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