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"Harry slow down!" He has been driving way past the limit. We have been through at least six red lights and nearly ran over four people. We haven't even got any cops chasing us, which I am glad about but really does he have to drive this fast!

"We need to get out of here!" He shouts at me. So I guess he is in one of those moods.

"No one is even following us!" I shouted back. Oh no, I could feel that really icky feeling you have before your sick. You know when you go all dizzy, your mouth is watering and your stomach is flipping over. Yeah thats the feeling I have. " harry I am travel si-" to late I was sick all over Harry's perfectly clean seats.

"Georgia!" He shouted at me. I would of screamed back but since he wouldn't stop the bleeding car I was sick again. I hated being sick it was just an awful feeling but being sick all over yourself whilst a demon screams at you is the worst feeling you could ever possibly feel.

"Stop the fucking car!" I screamed before being sick again. He slammed on the brakes making the car turning to a hard holt. The air bag smashed into my face with such a hard force that I thought it broke my nose.

"Happy now!" He shouted.

"Harry you nearly killed us!"

"Incase you didn't notice love I am already dead!"

"Oh you know what?! Suck a fucking fart out my arse you stupid prick!" Yeah not the best thing I could of said but I am no good when it comes to arguments especially with harry. I got out the car and slammed the door. I didn't have a clue where we was but I didn't really care I needed to get away from him.

"Suck a fart out my arse." He laughed now jogging up to me.

"Harry..." I warned.

"Georgia..." He laughed. Bipolar much? One minute he nearly killed me with a air bag and now he is laughing? God he is too much to handle. I can already feel a head ache coming a long. I just walked on trying to ignore his presence. "Aww baby please don't walk away." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him.

"Baby?" I laughed. Never would I have thought he would of called me that or anyone that in fact.

"Yeah you don't like it?" He whispered now leaving sloppy kisses down my neck. Ok what the fuck is up with him? Has he been smocking weed in the last five seconds? I pulled away and turned to him.

"I don't like it when you shout at me."

"You was sick all over my car."

"You shouted at me before then."

"Im sowy will you forgive me?" He pouted.

"How could I not resist that cute little face?" I asked grabbing his cheek and squeezing it like a mother would to there child. "But on one condition." I moved away from him. "No driving past the limits unless we are being chased, follow the driving rules and tell me where the hell we are going."

"You ruin all the fun." He moaned. I sent him a glare. "Ok, ok you got me." He surrendered putting his hands in the air. "I am taking you to this cabin far in the mountains, no one will find us there."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Trust me."


We had been driving for miles. The roads were lonely and quiet. It was getting dark now and my eyes were getting heavy. Me and Harry talked a lot. From what rock bands were the best to what is the best type of pizza. I had a strong argument for bbq chicken and he stayed plain with cheese. His argument was nothing can go wrong with making cheese pizza there never is to little or too much but I on the other hand thought it was boring, there was hardly any flavour. Don't get me wrong I love all types of Pizza but bbq chicken is the best.

"Get out." He said bluntly. I looked at him with a stern face. "Please." He said turning the engine off. Okay... I got out the car and so did he.

"Harry, what on earth-"

"I need you to help me push it off the cliff, to cover our tracks." So we was walking? Walking was not my strong point. I hated any sort of exercise and who knows how long we will be walking for. But because I knew that we wouldn't now get caught I helped. I didn't really need to since he basically did it all himself but I least put some effort in. The car landed with a loud bang which made me jump back. Now we are one less step to being found. "Come on Georgia let's go." He said grabbing my hand.

His touch sent fire works off. To cliché? Oh who cares, that's what I felt. Even though I was incredibly tired I knew we would have to keep walking on.

"I still cant believe you kissed me." I really hope he couldn't see my large grin.

"Neither can I. But it felt... Good." I laughed at his response. "What's so funny?"

"This," I said pointing to our holding hands. "A demon and a human holding hands, kissing and now running away together." It really was crazy.

"Life is full of mysterious." He sighed.

"And you are my biggest." He turned to me. We stopped walking for a moment and just stared at each other. His face was scrunched up and I thought he was angry. I was proven wrong when he pressed his lips to mine. It wasn't a passionate kiss just a quick but gentle one. Any kiss from him made me feel amazing though.

"And I always will be." He whispered.

Is this a bit of Heorgia?!? IS THIS A BIT OF GARRY! There names mixed together make me laugh.

But like omg what's going off here guys? Do you think they will start going out? You never know with Harry haha.

Anyways enjoyyyy.

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