This isnt home

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Georgia's POV

After a lot of walking loads of explaining I finally got a grip on how the hell everything happened. To try and shorten Harry's life story I will just put it like this. Because of Harry's dark gifts he wasn't accepted in the eyes of god. So he was stuck in the in between, not dead or living. Then here came satan and took Harry in. He made him evil and all that shit and here we are today. Harry says that Zayn always used to believe he had control over Harry but Harry's power was stronger which made him I control of zayn. But because of me showing Harry life, love and happiness, his darkness has weakened causing zayn to be the top dog. He doesn't want me and Harry together so he is doing everything in his will to either have me killed or taken away. Great!

"I know I have said this a million times," Harry smiled at me, his cheeky grin showing his perfectly white teeth. "But I will protect you and I will forever be in love with you."

Hearing the words come from his lips still gave me butterflies and even when he ducked down to my height, to place a gentle kiss on my lips, I felt like a childhood who had never been kissed before. I treasured each and every single one of his kisses, locking them up in a jar to look back on when I won't be able to feel them ever again.

"It feels so good to actually feel my lips on yours." He pulled away quickly but after his words he kissed me again, making it deeper and even more beautiful.

"I am glad I found you Harry." I whispered against his lips. Even though he had brought me so much pain he seemed to replace it. There was still apart of me telling me to stop this because he did murderer my friends but then there is this part that shows me how much I love him. I am his and he is mine and I will continue to go on this awful journey because I know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

"I am glad I kept you alive." He left another gentle kiss on my lips and then pulled away smiling at me. "Let's go back home." He said.

I guess love comes at different people in different ways. I guess mine just happens to revolve around death. But that doesn't mean it isn't a beautiful as the rest. Actually it is more beautiful, scary but still beautiful. With Harry you don't know what to expect and that's what makes this perfect. I think I am ready to love Harry. I know I already did before but I wanted to fight it back, I can't fight it back though and I never will be able to.

We find ourselves talking about the most random things but I I courage him to talk because his voice is kind and smooth not to want to listen to. I just hope out happiness lasted longer than it normally did.

"Ice cream?" He asked from the kitchen. He went to the kitchen as soon as we got in.

"Sure," I smiled walking away. "I am going to take a shower, make sure it's ready when I come down." I tease before rushing up the stairs.

A shower is all I need right now. I just need to get all this crusted over blood of my skin and the dirt out my hair. Who knew escaping would get you this dirty.

You know how everyone questions what life is when they are in the shower? Well that's what I found myself doing. Before I met Harry I never thought much about death and where I would go. I believed in nothing even if my parents forced me to believe in god. Even now when I have met Harry and seen death I still don't believe in heaven and hell. Sometimes I think that this is all a dream, maybe life is a dream and when we wake up we find ourselves in a new life. I guess I won't understand until I am dead, which I hope isn't any time soon.

After my shower, I change into pyjamas that Harry nearly put on the bed and head down stairs. He is sat on the sofa, a drink in his hands as we watches the tv. I didn't even think he noticed me come down until he said, "Ice creams on the kitchen side babe." He didn't even have to look at me to know I was there.

I went into the kitchen and like he promised, the ice cream was there. I got the bowl and then went to squeeze in next to Harry. His arm wrapped around my body as I snuggled closer to his chest.

But before I could even have a taste of the yummy looking ice cream I noticed there was something wrong. He seemed stressed and agitated. I frowned at him, trying to figure him out. We have just got back what could be up?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked confused.

"What's up?" I asked him. He sighed and then began to speak again.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. We have got home, where it should feel right but it just doesn't. This isn't out home this was cabin where hell started for me. Why do I even like this place? I don't I just- I don't want to stay here for long." He let out in one big breathe.

It took a moment to proceed everything but then I understood. Here was when they had the punishment room and probably many other dark memories. Even I had dark memories here. He was right, this isn't home.

"We will leave then."

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