In my head

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Listen to ghost in the mirror by Mallory Knox it's amazinggggg!

"How was your night there then? You sleep good?" Liam asked after moments of silence in the car. I was going to tell him that my night was dreadful since I had this crazy demon clawing my face but I decided against it. Sometimes secrets are best hidden.

"Yeah it was fine. Not your five star kinda type but maybe two or three?" I joked and he chuckled.

"Well at least you will be in your own bed tonight." He sighed. What was wrong.

"Liammmm..." I sang.

"Im sorry Georgia. I don't want to leave you but I need to go back to work." Of course I didnt want to see Liam go because he is my brother and I love him but this was for the best. If he left I knew he wouldn't be in danger from these demons and as a bonus he would be off my back and I would have no one calling me crazy. "Dad will be home in a week or two you will be fine until then yeah?"

"Liam I will be fine you worry too much." I giggled. He smiled before turning his attention back to the road. Where was we going? I had never seen this road before.

Then we pulled up to to a hospital, a god damn mental hospital!

"What the actual fuck Liam?!?" I shouted. I was furious. I wasn't crazy for crying out loud why won't he believe me? My own brother doesn't trust me!

"Georgia you need to see a councillor is just a session." He tried to calm me down.

"Im not crazy!" I screamed. Fuck this! After everything I am going through! He just has to make things worse. I open the car door and walk off.

"Georgia wait!" He shouted after me and in return I gave him my middle finger.

"Georgia stop!" A voice said inside my head. Was that Harry? I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Harry?" I whispered. I searched around me and I couldn't see him.

"Yeah its me." He chuckled. This was all going off inside my head.

"How did you-"

"New trick I learnt." Oh great, now your always in my head. Things just cant get any better can they?

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"You need to go back-" he started.

"What I'm not crazy!" I shouted. Even the voices in my head thought I was crazy. Maybe I was?

"I didn't say you was. You aren't but we need to prove that to them. You need to go back there and just be yourself ok? Don't tell them about me or any other members of the dead and then maybe your brother won't think you are crazy." What Harry was saying made sense. If I showed them I was normal maybe my brother would treat me the way he used to.

"Fine but don't leave." I pleaded.

"I wont, we are in this together right?" He asked and I could just imagine his huge smirk plastered on his face.

"Right." I giggled.


"So Georgia how are you today?" She asked. Just be yourself. Harry's words replayed in my head.

"How would you feel if you found out that your brother thinks you are crazy?" I turned the question on her. I was still so angry at Liam. I knew I wasn't crazy and so did the voice inside my head. That sounded crazy but it wasn't these things actually happened.

"I guess I wouldn't be to happy. But why do you think he thinks you are crazy?" She asked. I could tell that the rest of today was going to be long. All I would get is question after question.

"I really don't have the slittiest idea." I sighed. I knew exactly why, it was because I talk to Harry a dead boy who murdered my best friends and was suppose to kill me. I wouldn't tell her that though, its a secret.

"What about Harry Georgia?" She asked. This was when I had to be careful.

"I don't know who Harry is." I lied.

"Thats not what Niall and your brother have said." I knew I shouldn't of told Niall. I thought I could trust him I guess not. I really didn't know what to say. Tell her that you don't have a clue what they are on about. He said.

"I honestly don't have a clue who he is, sorry to burst your bubble. Guess you will have to find another crazy person because as you can clearly see I am normal." I wanted to leave but then she caught my attention.

"What are those marks on your arms?" I looked down at my arms.

"I cut myself." I said bluntly.

"Why do you do that?" She asked writing things down on her little note pad.

"My best friends died." I whispered. I wanted to cry right then and there but I knew I shouldn't. It's ok Georgia be strong. He said. It was weird having Harry comfort me but I liked it a lot. I just knew I had someone even if he was dead and was suppose to kill me.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." She said. I just nodded. I was sick of all these sorries. I was really over the fact that they died. The funeral was a total disaster but I know they are happy and thats all that matters.

"Do you think their death might of triggered something?" She asked being careful with her words.

"I don't know what you are trying to get out of this. My best friends have died ok? They are dead. Don't you think that is enough for me to deal with? But no, now I am being accused of being crazy!" I hated the fact that both my brother and Niall thought I had lost the plot.

"I am trying to get the truth."

"And here it is simply for you. I am not crazy." I said and then got up from seat. I left the room and slammed her door shut. Liam was waiting for me outside in the waiting room. Fuck him! There is no way I am going in a car with him. I walk past him and he doesn't even notice. I run straight out the door and down the road. Thank god I was out of there. "You did good." Harry said now in vision. He smiled at me and then started walk long side me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So where on earth are you walking to?" He asked.

"Somewhere that my brother cant find me." I sighed. I had no idea where I was going but it wasn't going to be back home even if I did know the way. I needed to be away from him. It sickened me that he thought I was crazy.

"I have somewhere perfect!" He smiled.

OMG thank you so much got our votes, reads and comments it makes me so Happy! Hope you all enjoy Disturbed and don't worry soon answer are going to be shared!

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