House of flames

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Story time! So on Thursday it was my friends birthday so I slept at hers with some more of our friends and the scariest thing happened! We all went to bed at about 1 or maybe 2 and I went up stairs with my friend Megan and Taylor because there want enough room for us all to sleep. But then in the middle of the night I randomly started screaming, waking everyone else up. But I didn't know I was screaming and I was still asleep but then I woke myself up from screaming and I thought I saw a man standing at the door and I pooed myself. Then my friends mum came in and I was panicking but tried to act calm. Them we looked at the time and it was 3:47... And I am sure it is 3 that is the devils hour but omg I was do scared.


Fire! There was freaking fire in my house! How? What? Why?

The smoke was sneaking it's way thought the gap of the door and floor. I was starting to panic, my lungs drowning in the black smoke. I could see the bright orange flames peeking through the door. It was going to burn the whole house down!

"Georgia move." Harry shouted. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my window. He opened it quickly and it felt good to finally breathe intoxicated air. My lungs where dying for it. "We're going to have to jump." He states.

"What?!? No, have you seen how far down it is?!" If we jumped we would probably brake our legs.

"Georgia got any better plans?!" He shouted. There was nothing else for us to do, we had to jump. I nodded no and he picked me up. My arms swung round his body and I held on for dear life.

His legs swung over he other side and he swiftly jumped down. He landed on his back me on top of him. "Harry are you ok?!" I shouted. I crawled from his body. His eyes where squeezed shut and his mouth screwed up. This was my fault, I should of jumped my god damn self.

"I'm fine." He mumbled and then sat up. I was just glad he didn't brake his spine.

"Georgia help me!" I heard Liam scream. Shit he was still in the house! Before Harry could even stop me I ran round the front, running back into the house of flames.

I didn't care if I didn't come out of this alive as long as I saved my brother, I had to keep him alive. No way was I loosing another person I loved.

Straight away I was choking on the dark smoke that filled my lungs. I ran up the stairs trying not to go in the fire.

"Liam!" I chocked. I ran in his room but he wasn't there. Was he? "Liam!" I screamed even louder.

"Georgia help me!" He screamed back . I followed where I thought the voice was led to. My mind was becoming dizzy and the heat from the fire was making me extremely hot and I thought I would pass out.

No, I had to save him.

I ran through the burning corridor. "Georgia quick!" I ran into the that the scream came from. The fire was covering nearly the whole of the bottom of the floor and now the stairs.

When I came in the room, the door slammed behind me. What the fuck! An incredibly strong force pulled me to the ground and dragged me across the wooden floor.

"Finally," a voice whispered before a blade went straight through my stomach.

Pain, blood, hell.

That's all I could feel.

The blood pouring from my mouth and stomach.

The dots covering my view.

"Georgia!" Harry?

"Harry." I whispered. It took all the energy from my dying body.

"It's over now Georgia." It was zayn.

It was over, I was over.

Btw this isn't the end... I will probably update Monday bc I am having a Halloween party tonight and ughhh Sundays... :L anyways who has watched steal my girls video from one direction!!!!! OMFG and not to forget bring me the horizons drown! This week has been amazing omfg byeee!

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