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Harry's POV

"Isn't it beautiful!" I asked looking down at the view. She didn't respond to me. Maybe she was speechless or maybe she was ignoring me. It annoys me when she ignores me. "Georgia don't ignore me.' I moaned and when she didn't answer that I turned around hoping to see her there but she wasn't. "Georgia!" I shouted. In the distance I saw a lot of splashing about which I knew would be Georgia. Fucking hell!

I swam as fast as I could but before I even got half way her body was all the way under. Shit, shit, shit! I wouldn't let her die! She will not die one me! Not like this! I went under the water looking for Georgia body and that's when I saw the creature dragging her down. This is all my fucking fault! I went deeper and deeper. I grabbed onto her freezing cold hand and pulled her with me above water. I pulled her up to my chest trying to give her any bit of warmth I could. Her heart was slowing and she want breathing,this is all my fault! I dragged her to the shore and took her body out the water. "Don't you die Georgia!" I could save her, I knew I could. I have enough time, I just need to get her breathing again. I laid her flat on her back and started pumping on her chest. One, two three, four, five. She still won't breathe! I brought my lips to her now blue ones and tilted her head back. I gave her mouth to mouth before I started pumping on her chest again another five times. "Breathe Georgia!" I tried giving her my air again. I couldn't loose her she was the only thing I had left.

I flung my head back as she started coughing up the water, letting out heavy breathes. "Oh, Georgia." I gasped and she opened her eyes. She looked so lifeless. She started coughing up more of the water. I put my hand on her shaking arm. "It's ok now." I whispered before picking her up.

I hadn't lost her, she was with me, she was alive. "I-it tried to kill me!" She started to cry. "I nearly died!"

"It's ok now I saved you." Me a demon, a monster saving the girl I was meant to kill weeks ago. But she wasn't just any girl, no she was special and I will keep her safe. I can't believe how much danger I have put her through. These creatures are never going to give up. They want her dead and I was suppose to want that too but I didn't.


Once I got her home I ran her warm bath and but in loads of bubbles. She had fallen asleep in my arms when I was carrying her home and she is still asleep now. I would be worried but I can hear her heart pumping at a normal rate. I sat by her bed and waited for her to wake. She was so beautiful when she slept and it just made me wish I wasn't who I was and that I wasn't such a dick before. I don't regret killing her friends because they deserved to die but she doesn't.

"Harry?" She whispered opening her eyes.

"Yeah I am here." I reassured her. I couldn't believe I was actually being nice, this was something new to me. But there is something about her that makes me happy.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"You are back home. I have run you a bath and it's ready for you whenever you want." I said and she sat up.

"I can still taste the lake water." She said scrunching up her nose.

"It will go soon." She nodded and then started walking to her door. I wanted to follow her but when I did she gave me a glare.

"I can bathe by myself." It irritated me how she spoke to me sometimes but I was willing to let it go since she had just nearly drowned to her death which was my fault. Once she walked out I shut the door.

How could I of let this happen? I should of been watching her at all times. Not only did Zayn try to kill her but then she got attacked at the funeral and now she was dragged under a lake by some other kind of monster! Just on cue Zayn appeared in to Georgia room.

"Woah! Now that was a show!" He said sounding happy. He had seen what happened to Georgia but didn't help? Fucking dick!

"That was no show she nearly died! Why didn't you help!" I shouted. He was such a prick, I would kill him but he is already dead and sadly I have to spend the rest of what ever this existence was with him.

"Help?" He chocked on the word. " why would I help? I am not the one in love with the girl."

"I don't love her!" I shot back. I didn't love her! That was crazy! How could I love someone like her? Someone breathing, someone alive .

"For your sake I hope you don't mate because he will have his way and kill her. If it's not you and it's not me it could be anyone. Just look at what happened today. You can't save her forever."

"But I will!" I would never let anything kill her or even touch her ever again. Today made me realise what I am up against and how careful I have to be. From now on I am never going to leave her side.

Did I just show you how Harry felt?!?

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