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Can we just clear something up, this is not an RE lesson it is a fan fiction so please stop putting oh demons don't do that or things like that because they do what ever I write ok? Not trying to sound harsh but it's getting annoying now just saying...

Georgia's POV

I stepped in to the hot bubbly water and it sent a shiver down my spine. I had nearly just died from drowning but here I was getting in to water. I knew I wouldn't drown from this though. I really had thought that I died. When I had blacked out I couldn't feel or see anything it was just this deep darkness. But I did hear something. It was a scratchy type voice, it sounded like a woman and it kept repeating the same words over and over again.

"I have her master, I have her."

But that wasn't the most confusing bit. The bit that made my mind puzzled the most was that Harry actually saved me. I was about to die just like he had wanted but he saved me. I couldn't thank him enough but I wanted to know why. I know he said he didn't want to kill me but this way he wouldn't of been killing me that girl would of. So why did he have to save me? Georgia are you ok. He spoke to me in my mind. It still creeped me out how he could do this but maybe it was better this way.

"Yes." I said I knew he would be able to hear. After I washed my hair and cleaned my self up I finally got out the bath and flung the towel around me. It felt good to be out of the water and it felt good to be lake water free. That water certainly did leave an awful stench in my hair. I guess I just had to forget about it and move on.

I walked in my room and I saw Harry sat on my bed his foot tapping on the floor nervously. When he saw me he shot up.

"Thank god your ok." Why was he so worried if I wasn't?

"I just had a bath Harry nothing could happen."

"I know," he sighed. He came closer and closer. My breathing hitched and my heart started beating a lot faster. God what this monster can do to me. He tucked in my wet brown hair behind my ear and sighed again. "I just want you to be safe." He whispered. I clutched the towel tightly to my body as I smiled at him.

"Shit fist date hmm?" I asked.

"It wasn't a date." He growled.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. It was a date, he took me somewhere where we was alone, just me and him. But I should be glad he didn't think of it as a date because I shouldn't want it to be one either. "Harry I need to change can you please leave." I said stepping back. I needed space between me and him, he was changing me and I didn't know whether I liked it or not.

"I won't look." He whispered taking a few steps forward removing the space I had just created. I could feel his soft breathing on my neck. I couldn't stop staring in to his deep green eyes. My lips were aching to kiss him.

Wait, what! I pushed him away by his chest and then walked to my draws. I got out a baggy t shirt and some pyjama bottoms. I looked back at Harry who's eyes were burning through me. He quickly looked away and then stormed out the room slamming the door harshly afterwards. What on earth was his problem?

I took a few deep breathes and then but this whole situation behind me. I put my warm clothes on and then crawled into bed. Today had gone by pretty quick and a lot had happened. I just wish it would all go away.

"Georgia!" Liam shouted as he bursted through into my room. Oh life just gets better!

"What?" I grumbled.

"What?!? What?!? I have been looking for you for the past five hours! Don't ask me what!" He shouted.

"I needed some air."

"Do you not understand how worried I was!" He sighed. I couldn't help but let the tears slip. I hated it when my brother shouted at me, I hated it when anybody had shouted at me. I was an emotional wreck. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout... I-I just thought I had lost you." He said pulling me in for a hug. His hugs where nothing like Harry's but they were comforting. Oh my god why did I just compare hugs?

He pulled away and tried to smile at me. I wiped away the tears and made an effort to smile back. "I have to leave for work tomorrow are you sure you are going to be ok?" He asked. No I won't be ok I have demons after me constantly. When you return there is a high probability I will be dead.

"Liam I will be fine." I lied. "But I am really tired." I hinted for him to leave.

"Yeah course." He said getting up from my bed. "Just call me when ever you need me ok?" I nodded. "Ok, nan night sis." He said before leaving a gentle kiss on my forehead. It was hard seeing my brother go. I never knew when he would come back but I just hope that when he does return I will be alive.

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