I like mine with a kiss

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I woke up in bed. Safe. Was it a dream? I felt it, everything felt real. But so did all the other dreams I had. I couldn't let this one go though, I had seen Louis. He wasn't the louis I knew he was vial. He had this hatred towards me and I had no idea why. He was as guilty as I was.

I flung my legs over the bed side and made my way downstairs.

" How do you like your eggs in the morning
I like mine with a kiss"

Harry's singing was like pure gold. I peaked through to find him swaying back and forth as he fried eggs.

"Boiled or fried I'm satisfied as long as I get my kiss
How do you like your toast in the morning
I like mine with a hug
Dark or light the world's all right as long as I get my hug"

"How do you like your eggs in the morning," I sang along, coming to his side. He wrapped his arm around my waist as he smiled at me.

"I like mine with a kiss." He hummed back bringing his lips to mine. His fingers laced through my hair but then he stopped and pulled away a strip of my hair in his fingers.

"Blood?" He questions eyebrows furrowed.



Was it from last night? It must be! This is my evidence I have evidence that Louis was here. This was His blood and it was also Harry's. Should I tell him?

"I-erm... It's nothing so eggs?" I tried to change the subject.

"I figured you would be hungry." He smiled before putting the food on the plate.

"That kind of happens when you don't eat for days." I sit at the counter and he places the plate next to me.

"This kind of thing doesn't happen to demons so I guess I kinda forgot." He chuckled. "Orange juice?" He asked and I nodded. He poured the freshly squeezed juice into a glass and I didn't hesitate to drink it straight away. There was an awful taste in my mouth... Probably blood.

"Mmm." I moaned in satisfaction. A whole British fry up. Food was like heaven to me I can't believe how good it tastes. "How did you learn to cook like this?" I gasped shoving another mouth full in, he chuckled at my actions.

"You will get hic-cups if you eat to quick babe." I realised how greedy and un lady I looked right now. Normally I wouldn't care but I didn't want to seem rude to Harry.

"Sorry," I mumbled and he chuckled again.

"No need to apologise but for your information my mum taught me how to cook. She said I have bakers hands." He lifts his large hands in the air. I loved his hands. They were so large against mine and it felt perfect when he held my hand.

"I agree." I nodded. Even though I didn't like his mother since she tried to kill me and then I found out she drowned her own daughter but she is Harry's mother and who knows, she could of been a nice woman at some point.

"I am going hunting today so you can watch tv or whatever but just don't go running off please."

"Hunting?" I asked.

"Yes, hunting. How else do you think we are going to get food? I won't be long." He said getting from his chair.

"Can't I come?" I asked. I didn't really want to be in this house by myself.

"You want to watch me shoot animals?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He was right I didn't want to watch him murder the poor animals.

"I guess not." I sighed. He came to where I was sat and laid a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"I won't be long." He whispered and just like he used to he vanished. I hoped he wasn't going to be gone for long I hate him not being here and I hated to be alone.

After I ate my meal I washed the dishes and then dried them. I wonder what it is like to grow up in the middle of no where. Did Harry have any friends? I know he had his sister and he seemed to love her a lot. But the truth behind that painting could be a lot more, there has to be. How can a family look so happy but three of them be demons and possibly four. Where is his dad? I haven't seen him yet and I can't decide if that's good or bad. Good because at least another person hasn't tried to kill me and maybe he isn't even a demon and bad because maybe he might be waiting for me.

But that also reminds me of something. The red door. The punishment room. Harry ordered me not to go in there but am can't help the urge to look what's in there. Why can't I go in there?

Even though I know I should I can't help but run up the stairs and investigate. Once I get to the red door I stop dead in my tracks. This is a bad idea. Me and Harry are finally getting on and I shouldn't ruin that by being nosey. But what if behind that door is the answer to why Harry is the way he is?

If I could just find out how he ended up like this then maybe I could understand or help him. This is for him, I have to do it. I put my hand on the door knob and then turn it.

The door creaks open and I am met by a completely dark room. There is no windows in here. My hand slides across the wall to find a light switch. Got it! When the light flickers on all I can see it black. Black walls, black floor. Why is everything black? I walk further in and the door slams behind me. I turned around try to remain calm. There is no one there of course. But what I also notice is that the door is completely black. Black is just a creepy thing.

I look around the room and in the corner of the room I see a chair. On either side of it are hand cuffs. I get closer and examine. They would lock their kids in a chair? That's way to far. The things that captures my full attention is the whips. There was at least four different types. The first one was really thin and it worked its way up in thickness to fourth. No wonder Harry is crazy! His punishment was being trapped in a dark room, strapped to a chair and get whipped.

"That's not the worst of it." A voice startled me and I quickly spun round. At first I thought it was Harry and I was preparing for the worst but to my surprise it wasn't. It was that guy Zayn. "He didn't have a good childhood." He came closer and I couldn't help but back away.

This man scared me. I know he can't kill me because Harry made sure of that but his presence scared me enough to shiver.

"You are scared of me but not Harry?" He chuckled. "If I was you I would change your mind on that. If he found out you was in here I don't doubt that he would punish you himself."

"He's not like that." I defended. I knew I shouldn't of gone in here but Harry wouldn't hurt me.

"You don't know what he's like." He snapped but then we was interrupted by a door shutting down stairs. I sprinted out of the room and shut the door before quickly running to my room.

Zayn was stood there by my bed. "Please don't tell him." I pleaded.

"Your scared of him?" He asked.

"Just promise me you won't tell him."

"Demons aren't good at promises but I am sure I can try. No one else needs to die in this house." Once zayn had vanished I jumped into the bed an pretended to be asleep.

I heard footsteps coming closer up the stairs and then he entered the room. "Georgia are you asleep?" He asked stroking my arm with his fingers. I staid silent hoping he would believe my lie. "Sweet dreams." He kissed my cheek before he walked out.

That was close. In fact that was to close.

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