Devils Child

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The song for this chapter is from crown the empire but I am not sure what the song is actually called sowyyyy!

"Fuck!" Harry screamed, frightening me a bit more. All that was going through my head was, we are going to get caught, I make going to get caught, the rest of my life will be behind bars.

"Harry," I gulped, fear clear in my tone. I still had the god damn blood pouring out of my leg which was only making me feel woozy, incredibly woozy.

"What!" He screamed at me, his words directed at me. Not only did this make me sad but it made m angry. It wasn't my fault the police were coming, I didn't kill those people, he did! "Shit, I am sorry." He apologized.

I let him by 1) because if I put anymore pressure on him we would never get out of here 2) there is no time for arguing and 3) I couldn't even form anymore words.

He tugged at his curly locks frustrated but we both knew that wouldn't get us anywhere. The sirens were becoming louder and my heart was racing. We had to do something. As if Harry read my mind,meh quickly picked up my bloody body and ran. I held onto him tightly hiding my face in the crook of my neck.

Harry was running faster than any normal human which I was glad about because we needed to escape but sad about because this must means he isn't human. If he was human then maybe we could finally have a normal relationship like normal people. However he isn't evil anymore and I know that now. I changed him but most importantly he changed himself.

Once we had finally gotten into the woods which was close to the cabin, I noticed that we could no longer hear the sirens but also something was up with Harry. He wasn't running straight and his breathing was defiantly not normal. He sounded so out of breathe and weak.

"Harry you can put me down, you need to rest." I told him. Even looking up at his face you could see something was wrong. His skin paler than usual, his eyes all misty. But he didn't stop, he kept endlessly running.

"No... No I need to... I need to get you safe." He said out of breathe.

I wasn't having this, this wasn't healthy and I couldn't let him keep running him self into death. I tried to struggle from his loose grip and eventually I did. I fell to the floor but Harry, Harry didn't stop. His running changed into a very un even walk. He looked like he was drunken and I knew at any point he would pass out.

Harry's POV

One moment I was running away from the police with Georgia, the next I was back to the time of the mess, the hell. That god damn village! They thought it was me, they thought it was my family! They blamed us! Their screams and cries as their house were now the color of the sun, a burning ball. Blood, the place was almost covered fully with their blood.
Someone had unleashed the demons and they was here to kill.

But I had to keep in the real world! I needed to save Georgia. I knew we was in the woods but I didn't exactly know where. I could hear the sirens out loud but they was still in my head. My vision so blurry, I couldn't even make out if there was a branch in front of me.

"Harry, you can put me down-" and then she was silent. I could just here the sirens and this annoying humming that was drowning out her voice.

" I need to... I need to get you safe." It was so hard to even form any sort of words. What was wrong with me.

And then it was back to the flames. I tried to find my mum but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I tried to keep hidden, I knew these nasty people were after me, they thought I caused this. "Devil child!" They would always scream.

A heavy weight was taken off me and I was back into the dark forest. Georgia? Where had she gone? My eyes sight was a complete blur now and all I saw was darkness. It felt like the oxygen was taken from my lungs and the last thing I remembered was my face hitting against the hard, muddy floor.

"Harry! Harry, mummy is looking for us, we must go!" It was my sister. My sister Gemma had come to help me. She offered me hand to pull me from the ground I had been laying on.

"There they are! There are the devils children!" And before I knew it, a man had snatched me away from my sister and a woman had strong hold of Gemma.

"Mummy!" I screamed. I was so frightened. These people were the monsters it was their own fault, not ours if they wouldn't sin then you wouldn't be punished. Naughty boys and girls have to be punished.

"Your mother can't save you now!" The scary man said through gritted teeth. " we will have to chuck them in the fire, burn them alive." The man said to the woman.

Me and my sister screamed out for help but our cries couldn't be heard over the chaos. You couldn't even keep your eyes on one person because they would be gone in a matter of seconds.

The flames dawned closer and my cheeks flushed as the heat hit me. They would burn us alive when it should be them. We didn't deserve any of this but they did.

But all of a sudden the weight from the man was on tip of me. Just before he through me into the flames we had fallen down, along with the woman and my sister. The man was lifted off me and I dark shadow stood in front of me.

"Wh-who are you?" I stuttered. My five year old self didn't understand that talking to the dark was only like inviting them in.

"I'm Zayn Harry."

Sorry if this sounds confusing... Anyways I am going to try update a lot since these are going to be the last few chapters of Disturbed :(

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