Dark room

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This contains violence!

Harry's POV

I walked out of Georgia's room and was about to go to the kitchen to make us dinner but then I saw the light on. The light to the punishment room. Georgia go in there I know she wouldn't I told her not to. Maybe its them playing with me. I would just leave it on but I knew I couldn't. I had this urge to go in there even if I had promised my self I would never set foot in there again. But they cant get me now, I am safe. I just need to turn the light off.

I walked to the door taking steady breathes. Why am I so nervous? I opened the door a little bit more and then stepped inside.

The dark room.

The room I would bleed until there was no more screams.

The nightmares.


Me and Gemma was running hand in hand through the dark Forrest. The birds sung loudly and to me a six year old boy it sounded dreadful but Gemma my older sister used to say it sounded like a fairy tail.

"Your Prince Charming and I am Snow White!" She gushed as we got to the familiar oak tree. This was our den, not even our parents knew about this place it was secret. We would hide in here when we was in trouble. At the top of the tree is where we hid all of our goodies. From chocolate bars to candy canes. We had everything.

"Nah-ah I am not a prince!" I pouted. I always wanted to be the huntsman who had to kill Snow White. It reminded me of my father, he was a brave hunter who would go out every day to get us a rabbit or deer to munch on.

"Fine then! I will just get the sweets from the top of the tree!" My sister had always been the happy, excited one who always wanted to play games but me on the other hand was calm and responsible for my age. I would help mother cook, play chess with my farther and made sure I did exactly what was said. I had seen my sister go into the dark room many times for misbehaving and I certainly didn't want to go in there. Sometimes she wouldn't talk for days and I wondered what on earth happened in there.

My sister started climb the tree but I could tell she was struggling. I was much taller than my sister even though she was two years older than me and I had longer arms. There was a branch that would help us get to the stash but she never could reach it. I normally had to go up there first so I could help her up but she insisted that she was a big girl and could do it by herself.

"Why don't you let me help you." I moaned coming closer just for her to lift her leg into my face. "What was that for!" I shouted. My eye was swelling and my eye brow had a small droplet of blood run down my face.

"I can do it myself!" She shouted.

"No you cant you baby!" I shouted tugging on her leg.

"Harry let go!" I didn't listen to her. I just kept trying to pull on her. "Harry!" She screamed and kicked me again. I went backwards falling to the ground this times my vision was black due to the hard fall which I hit my head but my eyes quickly opened when I heard an ear piercing scream.

"Gemma!" I shouted running to her body. She had fallen from the tree. Why wasn't she answering me? Why wouldn't she wake up? I shaked her forcefully but she didn't open her eyes. "Gemma wake up!" I screamed now the tears where running down my face. This was my fault! "I will get daddy!" I shouted now sprinting back to the cabin. I stretched my legs as much as I could so I would be their quicker.

I ran into the kitchen where I saw my mother mixing something together into a bowl. "Mama!" I shouted out of breathe. I ran into her side wrapping my arms around her waiste. Her hand moved to my curly hair.

"Harry what's wrong?" She asked. I moved my deep green watery eyes to hers.

"Gemma's hurt." I sobbed and my mother eyes widened.

"Where is she?" She panicked. I couldn't stop crying, it was all my fault. She grabbed my shoulders and stared at me deeply. "Where is your sister harry?"

"The oak tree I will show you." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her out the house. We ran through the woods until we got to the large oak tree. My mother rushed to my sisters side.

"Gemma!" She gasped. "Wake up sweetheart." My mum pressed her ear to her heart and let out a sigh. "She is still alive Harry." She looked at me with anger. Did she know it was my fault? "Darling it's mummy can you hear me?" She asked. I just stood there watching my mother as she picked her up. "Go tell your father." She ordered and I ran back to the house.

I knew where my father would be, in the back garden reading another one of his novels. Which I was right. He was sat on the porch reading his book. "Daddy Gemma is hurt it is all my fault!" My dad looked at me in confusion now getting from his seat. "Mummy is bringing her back, its all my fault." I started to cry again even though I knew my father hated tears.

"What happened son?" His deep raspy voice asked me.

"She was climbing the oak tree and I tried to pull her down and then she fell."

"You pulled her down!" My father shouted. "What if she dies!"

"It was an accident." The tears were coming down more forcefully and I knew this angered him more. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside. Where was we going?

"Get up them stairs now!" He boomed. Up the stairs? He couldn't possibly be taking me to the dark room. I was always the good child never would I of thought that I would be going in there!

I walked up the stairs my head hung low. If I didn't get my self up there I knew he would drag me just like he had done to Gemma once. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad?

My fathers heavy footsteps where right behind me as he pushed me further. "In there harry!" He pointed to the room. I walked in and he followed. This room was pure darkness, there was no light what so ever. He slammed the door shut and then smacked me around the face. Never before had I been hit by my father and it hurt so much. My whole face stung and I wished for it to go away. "Naughty boys and girls get punished." He hissed dragging me in the corner where there was a chair. He pushed me into it and then buckled my hands in locks. What was this?

"I'm sorry." I begged. "Please! I am so sorry!"

"No Harry." I saw him pull out a knife from his pocket. What? "We will start off small. Just don't cry, the devil hates crying and so do I." He then pieced my cheek with the knife. This stung even more than the slap I had gotten. The blood was pouring down my face and I was trying not to cry at the pain. He then made marks onto my arms and I cried out in pain which only made him go deeper. The only clear mark was on my face the other could easily be hidden.

"Good boy." He whispered after his last cut. He was a monster such an evil monster.

*End of flashback*

"He didn't know what he was doing Harry." Zayn said standing behind me. I laughed in response.

"He knew exactly what he was doing zayn, he enjoyed it." I hissed.

The whole memory of that day sent me on edge. I hated this room! I hated my father! I hated my life! I never deserved any of this but this is what happened.

I slammed the door and ran down the stairs. Never again will I go into that room. Never!

Tbf that was a long chapter for me... Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it! Maybe you get more of a view and Harry's childhood and the dark room. There are going to be more about harry as a child btw...

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