Wake me up inside

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"Oh Georgia thank god your awake!" My brother gasped once I opened my eyes. Where was I? The lighting made the room look like a grim colour as it settled on the dirty cream walls, trying to light up the dark shadowy corners. I looked to the side and there was a monitor which I was attached to by tubes and wires.

"I was so worried." He sighed kissing my forehead. I was in a hospital. How had I even got here? Why was I even here? I placed a shake hand to my forehead. Why was it cut? "Don't you remember what happened?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Maybe it's better that way." I shook my head no again. I wanted to know what had happened. "We was at the funeral, everything was fine and then you went to do your speech. You was so nervous. You looked so scared." His voice broke and then I started the remember. The family that only I could see, killing people but they didn't kill anyone. It was all in my imagination. "Then I dunno the priest kinda freaked out and so did you. Niall came to help and-"

"And something broke his wrist." I whispered. I remember how he screamed for help and I was just frozen.

"Yes. Georgia you was bleeding and he tried to help you. You broke his wrist." He said. No, no I didn't. The force broke his wrist, I would never hurt Niall.

"I didnt." I whispered. I knew Liam wouldn't believe me because he wasn't there he didn't see it. "Is he ok?" I asked.

"He is doing fine." Liam smiled.

"Good." I hummed. "Who brought me here?" The last thing I could remember was being in Harry's arms as he carried me through the woods.

"Some boy. He said he found you in the woods of something." Harry brought me here? I didn't even think anyone else could see him. "It's getting pretty late maybe you should try rest."

"I think I have had enough time to rest. Can we just go home?" I asked.

"Georgia you need to stay here tonight but I will stay if you want."

"No its fine." I faked a smile.

"Well I better be going I am shattered." He said proving himself right by letting out a big yawn. "See you tomorrow sis." He said planting a kiss on my cheek before he left. I didn't know what on earth I was going to do all night. I wasn't tired at all. I picked up the remote from the side and started flicking through the channels. A nurse came to visit me to see if I was alright and so on. It was now three am and I was still not tired. There was nothing on tv but betting program's. I was bored out of my brain.

I heard a soft cry coming from down the corridor so I muted my tv to see if I was hearing things or if someone was actually crying. The crying was getting closer and closer and I wanted to see if who ever this person was, was ok. Then a mid aged woman walked past my door, her head hung low. She must of been the person who was crying. I flung my legs over the bed and started to make my way out of the room. I peeked my head out the door and I saw her there slowly walking down the dark corridor. This lighting was terrible. I walked further down there following her.

"Miss?" I asked as I got closer. My words froze her. She stood there silent. "Miss are you ok?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder she quickly turned around her ragged face now facing me. Her black eyes staring right into mine.

"They've got my baby, they've got my baby." She kept repeating pointing to a door. This woman looked scary, really scary.

"Shhh its ok." I tried to calm her down. Then she started crying but instead of tears streaming down her face she cried blood. I jumped back in fright. The lights started flickering and the woman let out an evil laugh before she pounced onto me. The lights had gone out. "You've got my baby!" She screamed now clawing at my face. I cried out for help. "You've got my baby!" She screamed again her nails ripping away my skin. The pain was excruciating.

"I haven't got your baby!" I cried. The weight of the woman suddenly left and the lights were flicked back on. I laid on the floor heart nearly beating right out of my chest. I got up quickly and ran back into my room. "Im ok." I whispered to myself.

"Something up-"

"Fucking hell!" I screamed."Harry you scared me." I sighed putting a hand to my chest.

"Seems like something else did too want to tell me about it?" He asked. Harry had really changed in the last few days he wasn't mean I guess. I hardly see him and I should be happy about that but when he isn't here I just felt unsafe.

"There was this woman." I whispered now sitting on my bed which he later followed. "She was crying so I tried to help her and then she jumped onto me screaming that I had her child. Then she started clawing at my face." I felt my face but nothing was there. I felt her nails dig into my skin I knew she did it.

"That was no woman." He sighed. "It was a demon." He said and I gasped. What?!? Why?!?

"What did it want?" I whimpered.

"You." He whispered. "But don't worry I wont anything happen to you." He promised. A demon just promised me that he wouldn't let another demon do anything to me? God this was fucked up.

"Why though? What have I done?!?" Was this ever going to stop? I couldn't help but cry it was the only thing I was good at.

"Nothing Georgia." He hushed me and grabbed my hands. "Ok this is my fault, please don't cry." He pulled me in closer and I cried into him, again.

"Why is it your fault?" I sniffled.

"Because I didn't kill you."

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