You can't cheat death

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"Georgia, got any better plans?!" I had to get her out, I wouldn't let this get in the way. I would not loose her,she was mine. What didn't they get about that? I would never give up. She completes me and I can't just let her fall from my grip, I won't let them drag her away.

She slowly nods and I pick her up not waisting anymore time. I knew it was a big jump and I knew that in y visual form that this was going to hurt but it beats watching her die, it beats watching the flames bury her beneath me. My feet dangle over the edge, her arms dropped around my kneck, her fingers lacing a crown. One jump.

I hit the floor hard and my spine feels like it has been snapped but all I have to remember is, that she is out and still alive. I take steady breathes but I can feel the blood coming up from the back of my throat.

"Harry are you okay?!" She panicked. I had to tell her I was fine, I couldn't have her worrying. But what will we do now? The police force will be here and when they recognise her, we're dead.

"I'm fine." I whisper. It takes all the amount of strength I have left. Ever since I left hell I became weak, I am not use to any of this. But I am still a demon and I still have powers which are being used for advantage. Five minutes and I will be as strong as ever, I just need to give myself time.

I close my eyes and wait for the pain to slip away. It does, but I still don't feel myself. It's my heart, why is my heart beating this fast? Why has it even been beating? Is Georgia okay? Is that why?

I look to my side but she isn't there. Where is she?! I jump up to my feet.

"Georgia!" I scream. No, have they took her? No, please for fuck sake no!

"Liam!" I hear her scream. She's in the house! Why the fuck is she in the house?

"Where is she? Where's my sister!" I turn to my left to see Liam, her older brother running towards the burning flames.

"Liam no!" Her farther shouts. She's in there and he isn't. Why did she go in!

I run back into the fire, my skin already burning. This house is going to collapse with us both in if I dont hurry up! I run straight through the flames calling for her name. Where is she?

The orange flames, the burning furniture its just like before.

"Harry help me!" My mouthed calls.

No! They aren't trapping me here! I stumble backwards. I need to get a grip, I need to save her.

I run up the stairs, covering my mouth with my black t-shirt. The black smoke is thick and the flames are intense. I hate fire, I hate fire with such a passion that I fear it. Never before have I ever feared anything, but I fear fire.

"Harry!" She screamed again. I had done this. I didnt put the stupid fire out, I was afraid. And now... Now my mum was trapped in there, burning. I would save my mum but she didn't save my sister, she killed her and thats why she should burn.

A door slammed taking me away from the dark memory. I knew where she was now and I could save her. I ran up to the burning door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. What? I moved a couple steps back and jumped it down.

"You cant cheat death Harry." Zayn whispered from behind me.

And thats when I saw that the darkness had finally over taken me, the light could not save me as the shadows fill my heart. The loneliness, the misery and the regret. You never understand how much you love someone until you see them dying. Their blood pouring down their pale skin, their eyes becoming so much darker, their breathes shallow and the life slowly slipping away. Everyone needs their light and she was mine but the darkness, the hell, it took over us like a wave drowning out a city.

"Georgia!" I screamed. My legs failing to stand, my knees fell and I was now in the flames.

"Harry?" She whispered, so quiet, so shallow, she was falling.

"It's over now Georgia." Zayn whispered. Her eyes closing. Her heart beat slowing.

"No, don't you did on me! Georgia no!" I cried crawling to her body. She was still breathing, hardly but it was still there. She was still here. "Baby don't leave me, I love you." I kissed her forehead. "I love you so much."

Right first thing, go check out the band "story" they did this amazing cover of Katy perry dark horse and it's amazinggggg! Plus it's my best friend Harry's cousin and it would really help them out!

Second thing, I have made a twitter so you can keep up with updates and sneak peaks so go follow me on that :D @harrysrain and dont forget to follow my Instagram for edits! @disturbedh.s

Last thing, please remember to vote and comment! I miss all your comments :(

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