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I woke up the next morning feeling incredibly alone. I wondered where she was, if she was alive or if she felt the same way. I regret never going after her but I can't find the energy to do so. Me and her are just this back and forth game. Things got to far out of hand. We kissed for crying out loud! I had fallen in love with her and now I have to fall out of love. I can't let her fall in love with me like I did for her. I didn't even think it was possible for a demon to fall in love or have any feeling but she has changed me.

I chucked my legs over the side of the bed and made my way downstairs. I was expecting the kitchen to be empty but instead I got him standing there whistling some god damn awful song.

"Morning sleeping beauty would you like kids heart for breakfast or maybe my girlfriends heart?" He spoke sarcastically which made me want to hit him.

"I think I already ate your girlfriends heart along with that child's." I fought back. He was dead silent and completely still.

"That child's." He whispered.

"Doesn't that pain you Louis? To know that she didn't love you? That she cheated on you?" I was starting to come back to my evil self and I kind of missed the feeling.

"Doesn't it pain you? To know you pushed away the only person that will ever love a monster like you after all you did." I got that awful pain in my chest again and I had to fight it back. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I hate this feeling.

"I pity her for ever loving me." I whispered.

"Join me Harry in the lonely world we create. We are apart of death and we should treat it like that. We should never feel love again."

Georgia's POV

I knew what I had to do. No more walking around this lonely forest. I was going to get out of here, get away from him and find my brother. Of course when I get back to the real world I will have to keep a low profile unless I want to get caught but it beats having to stay here.

I remember how it took us days to finally get to the cabin but I cant let that happen. I need to get out of here fast. So I sprinted until it burned to much to move. I knew I was close until I was out. I could see the grassy ground slowly turn into rock and stone. I was near where we pushed the car over the side. This took less time than I expecting. How come it did take us so long to get to the cabin?

The memory so clear in my brain. I had only stayed in that cabin for a couple of nights and already I am leaving. This is shit, just pure shit. Why couldn't things go right for once? I am sick of all this drama.

Once I got to the dirty road I knew I had to find someone to drive me back home. I ran down the road, hands waiving in the air like a maniac and then I saw a car coming my way. I jumped up for joy, pleading for the car to stop. An old man was in this car. He put down his window and I leaned in a little to speak to him.

"Are you okay miss?" He asked.

"I need you to take me home, please will you take me home." I started to cry.

I had ruined my whole life for him, a stupid demon! I miss being home, I miss having my friends, I miss being at that boring school and I miss my brother and father. I just want to go home.

"Get in the car love I will take you home." He soothed. I quickly got in the car, whipping my eyes. I told him my address and we rode in silence.


I thanked the man numerous amount of the times before he left me standing there at my old home. It felt good to be back but who knows what will happen when I walk through those doors.

Out of the corner of my eye I see my dads blue van. My dad is here! I cant help but run inside the house. "Dad," I shout. I have missed him so much, I just want my dad right here, right now. "Daddy I'm home!" I screamed tears now pouring down my face.

Once the words left my mouth his body appears at the stop of the staircase, eyes wide. He ran down the stairs and I jumped onto him giving him the biggest hug ever. "Don't you ever do that again." He whispered. I never wanted to let go.

"Georgia?" A voice whispered. It was my big brother. I lifted my head to take a good look at him. It looked like he hadn't slept in days, which is all my fault.

"Liam." I sobbed running up to him.

Out of no where I hand slapped me around the face. It was his hand...

"Don't you touch me you monster!" He shouted. The way he looked at me sent me into this deep dark pit of emptiness. Was I a monster? My brother thought I was a monster!

"Liam!" My dad shouted now coming to my need. I kept my eyes locked onto Liam's. He looked at me with hate. What had I done?

"She's one of them dad. I told you we was going to loose her. She is going to die just like mum did!" He screamed. Everything Liam said confused me, I had no idea what he was going on about.

"No I won't let them." My fathers hands cupped my face and I stared into his fearful eyes is silence. "Don't let them take you ok? Tell them to go away." What where they going on about?

"We will take her to the mental hospital they can help dad." Liam said grabbing his coat from the banister.

"No she isn't crazy." At least some one believed me. I knew I wasn't crazy and it felt nice to hear someone else say it. "Call the priest."

I know another short shitty chapter? Yes I am sorry but things are going to get a lot more interesting.

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