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"She hasn't moved in days." Mary my next door neighbour said in the distance. How could I move? She was gone. I couldn't get my head around it, louis would never do that. His cries and screams for help sounded like he was telling the truth. But who would do this to her? And why was he there? I feel like I have lost everything. My best friend's dead body is on every news channel for crying out loud.

I kept thinking back to the night with the creature. I know this sounds crazy but what if it was him? He did say he wanted us dead. No, thats crazy. I am going insane.

"Georgia?" Liam my big brother asked walking into the room I am staying in. Why was he here? I thought he was fighting out at war. When I looked into his deep dark eyes I couldn't help but cry, something that happened constantly. "Shhh Georgia its ok, its ok." No Liam it's not ok, anything but.

I cried in his shoulder whilst he rocked me back and forth gently stroking my hair. I haven't seen him in so long and it felt so good to be in his arms. I stop my sobbing and moved forward so I could take a proper look at him. He has changed so much, new hair cut and what was that? Stuble! Something I never would of thought he would have. I smiled painfully at him and he smiled back with his puppy dog eyes. "I am going to stay at home for a while. Only for a few days but enough to make sure you're back on your feet." He smiled. I wished he could of stayed forever. Maybe then the voices would go away.

He took me back home which was only the house next to Mary's and he cooked us some food and we watched a film. He avoided talking about adrienne which I am glad about but I knew this hurt him to. He used to date her and they were the cutest couple ever but after my brother left to fight in the war they broke up. Neither of them are good at long distant relationships so it was a good idea. I just wanted to know what happened. If I could just go to Louis and ask him. But I was afraid I would end up smacking him for what he may or may not have done. I just couldn't imagine him doing anything so vial, I thought they were in love.

"I am going to go shopping will you be ok by yourself?" Liam asked standing up from the sofa. I nodded a yes and waited for him to leave. This was my chance to go to the prison and ask him for answers.

I hated prisons. So many sick and twisted people were here all either murders, abusers, thieves and much more. I sat at a small table waiting for him to come out. This place made me feel anxious and queasy. He finally came out two guards by his side while they walked up to us. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. He looked so scared. He couldn't be a killer. He sat opposite me and the guards left.

"Georgia?" He asked in disbelief.

"I need answers Louis." Don't cry Georgia.

"I think you already know what happened. It was him." He looked down.

"No louis he cant hurt us." I said and his eye brows knitted together and his jaw clenched.

"Georgia don't you believe me?! Do you really think I killed her!" He said his voice getting louder. I looked around scared if anyone was watching. "Don't forget Georgia that thing flew you across the god damn room!"

"Ok louis, ok!" I said trying to calm him down. "I just can't get my head around it all." I couldn't believe I was actually believing that a ghost was the cause of this. He gulped down before speaking again his eyes not meeting mine.

"I saw it Georgia. I saw her body getting flung around the room. She cried for me and I couldn't help her do you know how bad that makes me feel?" He said tears forcing not to be let out. "I keep having these dreams Georgia of that thing and he keeps trying to kill me. I don't want to die. Not like she did." The dreams. I was having exactly the same thing. The creature constantly trying to kill me. He had gotten so close so many times. "Not only did I loose her but I lost our baby?" He said the tears streaming down his face. Baby?

"What?" I asked.

"IT TOOK OUR FUCKING BABY!" He screamed everyone's eyes now on us. The guards came closer to me and Louis both crying our eyes out.

She was pregnant. God damnit! "It's gonna kill us!" He said and in his eyes I saw pure fear. He looked incredibly scared. "It want you..." He said getting up from the seats. The guards came to his side trying to calm him down but he was out of control. "KILL ME NOW YOU FUCKING DEMON! KILL ME!" His voice broke and he was dragged away. He had gone insane. Who would of blamed him not only did he loose his girlfriend but his soon to be child. And slowly he was loosing himself.

I wondered what would happen to him. Would he really have to rot in here? Or would the demon get us both? I didn't want to die. I used to take life for granted but not now. It felt like I always had a gun to my head and at any moment someone might pull the trigger.

I grabbed my bag and speeded out of the building I was so shaken up. He didn't do it. No way on this earth would he kill his child and his girlfriend. He is nothing like that.

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