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"Today class we are going to be studying the method on..." Miss began but I was to busy staring and the most perfect boy in school. He looked so pale and tired. Maybe that's because I broke his heart or maybe Harry has been a bitch. But he said he wouldn't hurt Niall if I left him and I am trusting him on that. Don't ask me why.

His iced cold blue eyes locked onto mine and normally I would turn away from embarrassment but instead I just kept my eyes on him. He sent me a weak smile and I tried to smile back. I miss him so much and we weren't even together that long. His smile is adorable, his laugh makes you want to join in and the touch of his lips melts your heart. I just wish my life wasn't so god damn confusing and I didn't have this demon after me.

He turned away and then started scribbling something down on a peace of paper before rolling it up in a little ball and throwing it to me. I looked at him confused.

'Read it' he mouthed. I unraveled the paper and read it. "You look cute today ;)" I couldn't help but let my cheeks blush. I don't know how on earth he can write such cute messages to me and complement me after everything I have put him through. But instead of thinking way to much about it like I normally do I just write back on the other side. "Thanks you look kinda cute too :P" and then I chucked the paper at him. He smiled widely before opening it up and letting out a light chuckle.

"Something funny Niall?" Miss asked and he shakes his head no, trying not to smile. When miss turned away he ripped another bit of small paper and started writing again. The paper landed right in front of me and I opened it immediately like a child on Christmas Day. "Was that a complement?!? From you? Georgia?!?" I couldn't help the smile growing on my face. I wrote back quickly. "Yeah you're lucky! I don't give them out easily!" I chucked the paper back at him and he opened then started writing more. "I miss you Georgia :(" it said and I looked at him. He pouted like a child which made me nearly giggle but I held it in. "I miss you too :*" I wrote and chucked it back to him. Before he even opened it I saw a figure come from behind Niall chair. It was Harry.

Finally reality hit me and worry finally sunk in. I couldn't believe I was so stupid! I had now put Niall in danger! I started to panic and I could feel the sweat forming in my palms and forehead as I started to shake. Harry got closer to Niall his lips next to his ear and then he whispered something. Niall's face lost its colour and his eyes looked all misty. What had he done?!? I did the only thing that I knew would get Harry's attention and stop him hurting Niall. I got my key out my pocket and pierced the skin on my arm blood immediately pouring out. His head upturned to me straight away and in seconds he was by my side. "You idiot Georgia!" He shouted. I was loosing my mind. I couldn't help but shout back at him.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!!" I screamed squinting my eyes shut. I wanted him to go away and leave me alone. I wanted to know what he had said to Niall. I wanted to know why he wanted me. I wanted all of this to go away.

I re opened my eyes and everyone was now looking at me. The teacher came to my desk and crouch down beside me her worried eyes searching for mine. The class was completely silent. Miss then saw the blood coming out of my arm and she stood up. "Georgia come on dear." She said and I didn't hesitate to get up. She walked me out the class room everyone staring.

"Georgia wait!" Niall shouted.

"Niall sit back down and everyone else get back to work." She then shut the door and then led me down the corridor. "We are going to have to get this cleaned up. Are you ok?" She asked but I stayed silent. She took me down to first aid where I had my arm washed and a bandage put over it incase it started bleeding again. I had gone pretty deep apparently.

"We have called your brother and he will be hear as soon as he can but first I need to ask you some questions ok Georgia?" One of the nurses said. I kept my eyes to the floor and left her question un answered. "We want to help you Georgia." She said and I couldn't help my self but laugh. Not because I found what she said humorous but complete and utter bull shit.

"Help me?" I said my eyes now looking at hers. "You can't help me and neither can anyone else. He is after me. THE GOD DAMN DEVIL IS AFTER ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I want him to go away." I started to cry. "I just want him to go away." The nurse brought me in for a hug. I just cried in her shoulder and hoped it would all go away.


So I have bad news :( I will not be uploading like I do anymore because of school and I need to concentrate. So once or twice a weak? I promise at least once. But please don't stop reading :0 this story is starting to get a lot more creepy and a lot more exciting!

I HAVE GOOD NEWS TO! Ok so I have decided to make a trailer for disturbed btw I e made it myself. When it is finished go check it out and go like it!

Ok byeee :P

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