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Liam's POV

"When are you coming home?" I asked trying to keep calm. I haven't spoken to my father in almost two years and I actually cant believe I am now. He is such a prick and I hope to never have another conversation with him again. This is all for Georgia.

"How many times do I have to tell you son-" he began.

"Don't call me that! I am no son of yours!" I spat. Anger was boiling inside me. Son? Maybe if you acted like a father I would be your son you complete and utter pieces of shit!

"Here we go again Liam. I am your father Liam whether you like it or not. I am working away for Georgia. We need to money and we need it fast." He said in almost a whisper.

"Oh and where is the money I sent you? Drugs? Are you doing drugs again?!?" I almost screamed. I hope he doesn't come back Georgia doesn't need this! I wish she could see how much of a monster he really is. If only I didn't have to leave. I wish I could stay here and raise her the way he never did.

"I am stopping ok. I am stopping. Just please don't tell Georgia!" He plead.

"You are selfish prick! You don't deserve her! After all she is going through. She has no mother, a father that leaves her all the time and now two dead friends! You don't know how much of a god damn impact this is having on her she is fucking going crazy! Shes talking to her self dad and its all your fault because you aren't here for when she needs you!" I blurted out. I was so worried for Georgia. I keep hear her talking to someone or should I say shouting. She calls him Harry and from what I have heard from their 'conversation' he doesn't seem like a nice person to make up in your head. She keeps asking why he killed them. The only people I can think she is on about is Adrienne and Louis. She needs help and I wish I could give her it but I don't even know how to approach the subject. 'So Georgia you know you have lost the plot right? You need to see someone' oh how well would that go.

"Son?" My so what to be father asked and I realised that I had completely zoned out.

"Don't call me that." I growled.

"Fine then. I have to leave Liam, I have work. I won't be home for a while but Georgia will be fine." And then The phone went dead. Fine? She is anything but fine! With out being able to control my actions I punch the the wall not only hurting my self but leaving quite a mark.

I just wish I could make this all go away. I don't know how Georgia is feeling now. I can tell she is hurt just by looking in her eyes. They look so... Dead. Maybe if She spent more time with me I could help her but she stays up in her room hiding from everyone. You know I really had thought that boy had changed her, she looked so Happy with him but now all of a sudden she isn't. If he broke her heart I swear to god... Ok Liam don't you think punching a wall was bad enough?

"Hey," she says chucking her school bag on the sofa. "Everything ok? The wall seems pretty beaten." She says looking at the wall. I just smiled weakly and she started to climb up the stairs.

"Georgia where you going?" I asked not wanting her to go upstairs.

"Narnia!" She jokes before slamming the door shut. Great. Maybe I should just listen in? See if she is still talking to this Harry. I tiptoe to her room and press my ear a bit more lightly this time.

"Harry I am doing my homework just go away." She said sternly. "Please." She sighed after a while. It is silent for a few minutes and I almost give up but then I hear her talking again.

"Breathing on my neck is not helping. You need to learn what personal space is." Is someone in there with her? Is Harry actually real and I have been going crazy myself. But that doesn't explain why she keeps asking him why he killed them.

There is a thump and it sounds like pencils are dropping onto the floor and rolling on the surface. "Now look what you have done!" She shouted. "I hate you! Why don't you get that! Leave, leave me alone Harry and just don't come back!"

My big brother actions kicking in and I storm into the room to get who ever this Harry is away from my sister she obviously doesn't want him here. But when I enter there is no one there. I scan the room in search of a hiding body.

"Where is he?" I asked and then started searching her room. He isn't under the bed or in the wardrobe or behind the door. No where.

"Wh-what are you on about?" She stumbled on her words. She was talking to herself. I knew it.

"Georgia who is Harry?" I needed to see what was going through her mind.

"Harry? Who is Harry?" She lied. I could tell when she lied. She wouldn't look in my eyes and she bit on the corner of her lip.

"Don't play stupid with me Georgia I heard everything. Absolutely everything."

"I-I ... Liam I don't know what you are going on about."

"You know what exactly what I am going on about. You need help sis." She stared at me blankly. I could see that she was thinking and hard. Her jaw clenched.

"Help? You are the one who needs help! I didn't know who and what you are going on about! Are you hearing things? I do not need help!"

"Wha-" I tried.

"Get out!" She screamed and that's how I knew she was hiding something she was being defensive. I couldn't believe she tried to make me out as crazy! The best thing to do is to leave her. I will have to think about this. It could just be because if her friends dying. Maybe it will all go away soon. But I don't think I am going to be able leave her next week if she is still like this, I won't.

Hi :D

So my nan made me try this fruit that she has grown called 'physalis' and lets just say it was out quicker than it was in ;) yeah sorry for that!

But anyways what is happening here hmmm? Is Georgia crazy? Why doesn't Liam like his dad? Ok I am done with questions haha.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Oh btw my internet has run out or something so I am at my nans just so I could update :,) yeah guys I love you so much that I left a day in bed to gardening with my nan! :D ok have a good day!




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