Swear to me

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So I decided to do a song for each chapter :P but I have made it better so instead of just saying a song I have used a clip of the song and made it into an edit, which should be on the side :D yeah so go check that out!
Song for this chapter is 'Don't look down' by the beautiful band of Bring me the horizon! Btw Oli Sykes is bae (insert heart eyes here please)

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Yes." He whispered back.

"Tell me a story." I closed my eyes and waited for Harry's soft low voice to send me into sleep. It has been a whole day since we left the hospital but we still haven't been caught. But I don't think we are going to the cabin anymore, it doesn't normally take this long.

But it was night now. The stars were shinning, the moon was glowing and we was driving in complete and utter silence. I was beyond tired and I couldn't wait for sleep to come to me.

"Ok, what about?" He asked.

"Anything." I mumbled.

"So once there was this beast. He wasn't the nicest of creatures, he wasn't kind, happy or even good looking. He was a beast. He lived in this dark pit, waiting to be saved and then one day he was. At first he didn't want anything from beauty of this poor innocent girl but to kill her. He didn't want her to have to live with the dark memories he would bring her. The beast didn't kill her but fell I love with her. And somehow she fell in love with h-" his story was cut off by what sounded like something hitting against the car we was driving.

I opened my eyes and looked to the side of me. There was nothing. I looked at Harry who also seemed confused. "What the-" but then he was cut off again by another banging.

It was a bird, a bird had flew into the car. Then after that one, there was another and another. I was confused, scared and dumbfounded by what the hell was going on. Another bird flew right into my window smashing it and leaving its dead body on my lap.

I screamed in pure fear. These birds were just killing their selves! Harry grabbed the dead bird and chucked out the broken window before driving quicker.

The whole thing upset and I couldn't help but cry. Even though Harry was driving really quick away from the suicide zone, they just kept following us.

"Harry!" I shouted. The birds screeching was becoming louder and now all the windows were smashed. Birds were just aimlessly flying through and then they start to attack us. I covered my face from the pecking of the black bird and kept screaming.

"I swear to fucking god!" Harry screamed.

"No. Now you swear to me!" A voice boomed and then Harry lost control of the car and it swerved off the road.

The car me and Harry were in was now in a ditch, we was in a ditch. The glass from the broken windows now were sticking into my flesh, the air bag taken all of the room up and suffocating me. But I couldn't move it because I was numb.

I kept my eyes closed and let the dizziness take over. "Georgia! Georgia wake up." I was alive but I couldn't open my eyes. I didn't dare open my eyes. "Baby please." Harry's voice was sad and weak. I wish I could open my eyes.

"Harry." I moaned. Those were the only words that could form from my lips. I had no energy and everything was just hurting.

"I am going to get you out of here." He promised.

The car was on a side. My side being the one further into the ditch, I was trapped. I heard the sound of a car door opening, which I guessed was Harry's and a seat belt click, which also must of been Harry's. I fluttered my eyes open to see only darkness. I felt an arm wrap around mine and ruff slightly. I looked up to see Harry now out of the car, trying to pull me out. I unbuckled my seatbelt and did my best to move but when I moved my leg, pain shot inside of me.

"Harry." I whimpered. I looked down at my leg to see a large piece of glass, sticking into my thigh. The tears started falling once again.

"It's ok baby, it's ok. Don't cry I will get you out here ok?" But I couldn't reply.

His arms went under my armpits as he tried to pull me out. It hurt a lot but he did get me out of the car. It creeped from the weight and if we didn't move it would probably fall further into the ditch with us in it.

"I've got you." He whispered in my war before picking me up.

And just to add onto our problems there were police sirens going off in the back ground. They had found us. Or maybe someone had reported our crash, either way we was in for shit.

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