Black lake

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"Harry what even is this place?" I asked as we walked further and further into the woods. "Harry." I groaned. He was so far a head and I couldn't even get any grip on trying to walk up this hill. Maybe it would be easier if the floor wasn't so muddy and covered with leaves. I swear I am going to brake my neck. Where the hell was we going? I cant help but think he is getting me further in here so he can kill me but there is something telling me that that isn't his intentions.

Like the goof I am I slip just when I was getting so far up the god damn hill and fall all the way down on my arse. Of course I screamed, who wouldn't? I had twigs scratching my butt. "Oh Georgia what are you like?" He asked giving me his hand.

"I was trying to keep up you are so fast." I huffed. His arm went under my legs and the other supporting my back. He lifted me from the ground and then started walking. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest.

"Looks like I am going to have to carry you up there then." He said and I hummed in response. He carried me like a weighed nothing. I was impressed with his strength.

We came to the top of the hill and a huge lake laid in front of us. I never knew there was a lake here but to be honest I didn't really know where here was. He slowly let me down and I finally stood on my feet. I brushed off all the dirt that was on my jeans from my fall and then turned to him. He was staring out at the lake with a huge grin on his face. Why did he bring me here?

"I love this place." He sighed walking closer to the water which I shortly followed. " it brings back so many memories. I also come here when you annoy me though." He turned around to look at me a scowl on his face. "Why do you love that boy?" He asked with a harsh tone. I wanted to know why he even cared but I didn't feel like arguing with him, plus he had no where to run off to this time because we was here at his safe zone so god knows what would happen.

"He's really sweet." I sighed. I loved him because he loved me. All a girl wants is to be wanted back right? I loved him because he made me happy. I loved him because in the most darkest of times he would of made me smile. But I didn't know if it was love. How could I be sure? It hasn't been very long and already we have been through so much.

"Do you know what love is Georgia?" He asked.

"Does anyone?"

Love is a strange thing. No one can tell if they are in love or can they? Love can trick you. Love can make you come oblivious to everything. But how do we know when we are in love? Do we fall in love many times or only once? Is there any such thing as love or is it all game?

"I do." He said before turning back to the water. He just stood there for a while until he started stripping? He took off his white t shirt, boots and socks and finally his jeans. Leaving him in just his boxers. I was staring like the idiot I am. His back was beautiful enough never mind what the front would look like. He jumped in the lake and my eyes widened. Was he crazy? It must be freezing in there!

"Coming in?" He smiled. Was I heck! I just laughed in response he must have actually lost it to think I am going in there. "Wimp." He grunted. I wasn't a wimp I just wasn't going to be stupid enough to freeze to death.

"Harry it's freezing in there!"

"How would you know you haven't even been in." Ugh right that was it I had enough. I didn't care how cold it would be in there I just wanted to get in. Because of him? Maybe. To prove a point? Yes. I started to take my top off but stopped my self when I saw him gawking at me.

"Turn around." I ordered.

"Not like I haven't seen you naked before." He mumbled turning away probably thinking I didn't hear him but I did. He had seen me naked? When? Where? What!!! Who cares I wasn't getting naked anyways I just needed to take of this big jumper and dirty jeans. I actually couldn't believe I was getting in this lake. I jumped in not giving it much thought. It was even more colder than I had expected.

I felt the goose bumps rise and I could tell that soon I would be shaking my arse off. Harry swam close to me with a big smile. His cute dimples poking out just made me smile even if I was freezing.

"Didn't think you would actually come in." He said getting closer.

"D-don't under-r-restimate me." I stuttered so much from my shivering. I crossed my arms over my chest in hope for a bit more heat.

"Your lips are blue." He whispered. His smile had dropped and he just starred at me with sad eyes.

"I-I'm c-c-cold." I shivered. I was sure this temperature was going to turn me into an ice cube.

"Come here," he said pulling me into his chest. He was boiling! His heat warmed me up straight away and I didn't want to move from his touch, how was he so warm? "God Georgia your freezing." He exclaimed. I just hummed in response wrapping my arms around his waist, my eyes now shut.

"Can I show you something?" He asked and I moved my head so a I could look up at him. He was beautiful, his eyes so mesmerising. I wish he wasn't a demon.

"Sure." I smiled which made him smile more. He started to swim away and not having his touch made me feel Incredibly cold again. I tried swimming after him but he was fast and my bones felt frozen.

"H-Harry." I tried to shout but it came out more like a whisper. My whole inside felt like they were ice and I was slowly giving up. "H-Harry!" I tried again but I wasn't loud enough.

I felt a slimy hand grab my ankle. No! No! It started to drag me under the water. I tried to keep above water but I was weak and what ever force that was pulling me down was strong. Once my head went under water I shot my eyes open looking through the dirty water to see what was dragging me further down. It looked like a girl with very long jet black hair that covered her face. She wore a white night gown and she was determined to get me to the bottom of the lake. My lungs needed air and they needed it now. I was drowning and it felt so numb. My mouth opened trying to get air but I just ended up swallowing the water. My mind was going foggy and my eyes were close to closing. I was about to die I knew I was. Black covered my vision and I felt nothing.

I dunno why but this is my favourite chapter I have wrote...

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