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Harry's POV

Four days. Four fucking days of this shit. I haven't seen her, I haven't heard her, I don't even know if she is ok?!? What if she is dead? What if they got her? I want to go back there but I know a I cant, this is all just bullshit! Not only have I been feeling lonely which demons shouldn't feel because they have no feelings! But now I am ill. It's just like being human again and I hate that more than I hate myself and trust me that takes a lot.

Bruises cover all up my arms and legs, for no reason what so ever.

I am sick at least once every hour.

I am dizzy.

My head hurts.

Breathing is hard.

My throat hurts.

My heart hurts!

Everything just fucking hurts!

Why?!? Why do I have to do these things? Why couldn't I have just killed her? Of course I had to develop feelings I never knew I had. Of course she could do that! I hate her so much right now but I hate myself more. Fuck life!

I lay down on the bed wishing she was here. Why was I suck a prick? I don't want to think about this anymore, I just want to sleep. It is the only thing that takes my mind off everything. I turn my face into pillow and let out a low groan.

Go to sleep.

She was there, lying beautifully in her small bed. Her lips slightly parted as she breathed light breaths. Her hair covering the side of her face, her eyes shut tightly. She was in deep dreams. I could of watched her all night.

Her body jolted forward and I wondered what on earth was going on. I moved closer but my body was pushed back by this force. I tried again but there seemed to be this barrier blocking her from me.

Ridia, why was she here? She gently pushed the loose hair away from her face.

"Ridia, no don't do it." Her bright yellow eyes locked onto mine as an evil smirk played on her lips.

I tried to push past the barrier but it wouldn't work, it just kept taking all my energy away from me. And then I heard the song. The ear piercing song that killed so many. My ears ached in pain and this strong ringing was rushing through my mind.

But Georgia just laid there, untouched, not harmed, still dreaming.

She caught onto it though. She saw that this did not effect Georgia and I couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

The thing about demons, is we have a very low attention span but we also get very annoyed, very quickly if we have failed at something. Now Ridia has never failed anything so this can only end one way, me and Georgia will both be in terrible pain.

Just like I had thought Ridia sang her venomous song again, but this time with a twist. Her words were louder, her voice more deafening. I was now on the floor, dying in pain. But what scared me the most was, I couldn't see Georgia. I didn't know if Ridia had killed her.

"Why won't she die!" She screamed. Her song stopped and I felt a rush of oxygen spreading to my lungs. Finally. My head still hurt but at least it wasn't as bad as that.

When I tried to stand back up she pushed me back down again.

"This is your fault, what have you done!" I could see how frustrated and angry she was. Her eyes were nearly coming out there sockets, her face was burning up and you could clearly see her sharp fangs.

I just smirked at her because I knew that would send her over the edge and I found that hilarious. I needed to be my evil self, to get out of this.

"So he brought you out here to kill her." I laughed.

"I will fucking kill you." She hissed at me.

"What, with your fucking powers?" I raised an eye brow at her. I wanted to get her angry, I wanted to kill her. "You're a cheat!" That's when I knew she had hit her point. I was surprised she didn't try to kill me then and there.

"I could Kill you with out my powers." She shouted. If she didn't use her powers then I know that I could kill her in seconds.

"Try," I smirked.

The second the words left my mouth , she charged towards me. I couldn't help my self but laugh as she pounced onto me. Well this was original. I grabbed her arm and crushed it in my hand. She yelled in pain. I had the advantage. All Ridia was, was a witch singing bitch. She had nothing with out her songs. But me on the other hand, had everything. Speed, mind playing, strength, everything that could kill this cow.

"Harry," thumb. My hand slowly moved to my chest. It beat, my heart actually let out a beat.

"Oh, I see." Ridia giggled, her hand tracing an out tine of a heart on my chest.

"She is saving you." I couldn't even fight her off, I was in so much shock.

"Harry what's going on?" She asked, now crawling out her bed. Thumb, thumb, thumb. Why was she doing this? How was she doing this?

"Her voice gives you life."

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