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I was completely drained from last nights events however I had to go to school today. These are my last few months and each day counts if I want to have a successful future so a coffee would have to wake me up. I went down stairs to find a note my father had left.

I won't be gone for long honey and just remember to call me whenever you need me. I have left you a spare key in case you loose yours because I am sure you will. There is £100 for you to spend on food but if I am gone for too long you can use my credit card but only for essential. Lots of love dad.

I picked up the money and counted the notes. All one hundred pounds in cash. I drank my coffee and missed out breckfast. Today is going to be so weird. Last night me, adrienne and louis witnessed something supernatural and adding onto that I had those dreams. The dreams that kept me awake until now. I was too afraid to go to sleep and I was to afraid to be awake. You're marked their is no way you can escape me. Forget Georgia, you have to forget.

I looked down at my arm and the print was still there, now purple and swelling. What had I gotten myself into? I was scared not only for me but my friends. The thing, the demon, it wanted us dead and I was sure it would do just that, kill us. But that is crazy how could it? It's not even a person, a living thing. But then I remembered how the force of creature sent me flying across the room. Forget about it!

I drove into the school building and I couldn't help but grunt at the look at it. I had been here for five long, painful years. Thank god this was my last year. I went to my first period which was History the most boring subject ever. I wouldn't of took it but it is better than geography so oh well. We all settled in and then Mr Brown started his rant about slavery which we had covered at least ten times. His low voice led me to nodding off. I tried to keep my eyes open but they wouldn't due to my lack of sleep.

I was in a dark classroom much like this one but the chairs were scattered across the room, paper flying and many students trembling in fear hiding away as the loud, heavy footsteps drew closer to the room. A hand pulled me to the ground. I turned to face the person, it was Niall. His blue eyes held fear, worry and pain. "Niall? Niall, what's going on?" I whispered and he held a finger to my lips. The door flung open and I froze. Niall's hand was shaking so much. I grabbed it and held it in mine. A dared to look at the dark figure that was aimlessly walking around the class room. Me and Niall was hid in the teachers closet but obviously someone else wasn't so well hidden. "Please don't kill me!" I girl screamed and I deep chuckle rang across the room. The chuckle from the creature that was with me last night. A gun shot blasted and I heard a large bang of the girls body hitting the floor. I was beyond scared, I was terrified. I whimpered regretting it instantly as the footsteps suddenly stopped. It heard me. I held my breathe praying he wouldn't find us. "Oh Georgia where are you?" He boomed and my whole body started shaking. Please god, please. I don't want to die. Niall looked at me with the same expression I had on my face. We knew we would possibly die. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we hugged. I never really spoke to Niall but I knew he played football with Louis. He was a sweet boy and he didn't deserve to die like this. The door was slung open, me and Niall both bouncing back from our hug. "Found you." It sneered before it grabbed onto my clothing and pulled me away from my hide away. " I told you Georgia you can't escape me." It brung the large gun to my head, a grin plastered on his face. "No kill me! Kill me, not her!" Niall protested jumping out the closet and in front of me. "You're both dead." He said before pulling the trigger.

"Noooo!" I screamed awakening from my tortures nightmare. Everyone's eyes were latched onto me. My whole body was shaking. I felt the tears poor down my face. I ran out the classroom. I needed some air. I heard someone run after me. I looked behind me and it was adrienne.

"Georgia are you ok?" She asked pulling me into a hug.

"The thing, it- it killed him." I sobbed into her shoulder.

"No Georgia it didn't, you was dreaming everything is ok." It wasn't just a dream! The demon was torturing me! Why could no one understand? I pulled away a frown on my face.

"Adrienne the ghost, what ever it was is after me! You saw it! You saw last night and what it said!" I was getting so angry. Out of all people I would of thought she would of understood.

"I am trying not to remember last night Georgia. It was an awful night but we need to forget it." I was trying. I tried to forget but the demon wouldn't let me. He was in my dreams, constantly taring me apart. I walked away sick of her, sick of everything. School can just fuck off for the day, I can't take this anymore. I need to be in bed with Netflix, pizza and covers to hide me from the monster.

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