Tripping Off The Basics

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Tepig ate from a bowl overflowing with Pokemon food.

Rotom and Magneton hovered above June as she stood next to me, Magneton shocking Rotom on occasion, Rotom seemingly enjoying the jolts of electricity.

Eevee, Electivire, and Galvantula ate from their bowls near Tepig.

Trixa was on her back on the ground on top of a lot of dead leaves, looking up at the sky, smiling and swaying her arms and legs as if she were in the snow making snow angels.

June and I had our eyes on her, watching silently in confusion.

After a long while, I sighed and turned to June.

June didn't look away from Trixa, staring at her with a stunned look on her face, her mouth hanging open.

How did we get stuck with this one? I wondered, glancing back at Trixa, and I immediately began thinking about Ella.

Ella, with her pitch black hair with the matching black bow in it, her mesmerizing smile abducting me from my current place, pulling me into her realm of perfect beauty. Her eyes, an attractive slant and glint to them, bending me to any desire she requested. Why couldn't she be travelling with us? Or even just me and Ella, alone...

I pulled out my electronic Town Map and stared at it. Well, this thing is really cool, I thought. I may have lost out on who I would want accompanying me and June on this journey I never agreed to, but at least I got this nice consolation prize. But am I really going to compete in the Unova League? Is this really what I want? To go on another journey like I did in Kanto? Well, I guess it won't be exactly the same, for many reasons. But what about my Pokemon? Porygon-Z and Charizard. There's no telling where they both are right now. I can only hope they both made it back to Prof. Oak safely. And what about all of my other Pokemon? I can't ask Prof. Oak to send them to me. My Porygon-Z attacked him the last time June and I saw him, and we ran away! He must hate our guts at this point. Must I recapture a slew of Pokemon again and train them? Once I capture over six, they'll be sent to Prof. Oak. He'll know I'm in Unova if he gets a ton of Unova Pokemon sent to him. What do I do? I have to catch something while I'm here, right? I am still a Pokemon Trainer! My goal is still to capture all the Pokemon in the world. All one thousand of them.

I remembered the promise I made to my mom when I had first begun my travels as a Pokemon Trainer: "I'll become the greatest Pokemon Master. With my Charmander. And we'll catch them all. All one thousand, mom. I promise."

Before I was a Pokemon Trainer, when Melissa was traveling as one, she would call home, crying, upset about not doing well on her journey.
"You're not allowed back home until you're a Pokemon Master and have captured all one thousand Pokemon," my mom would tell her strongly. She didn't mean it, but was just encouraging my sister to never give up.

It was a thing in my family to just say that there was one thousand Pokemon in the world. We knew there weren't really that many Pokemon confirmed, but knew species were being confirmed as Pokemon almost daily.

Many creatures are confirmed as a Pokemon species in some regions, while other regions are still discussing their validity before confirming them. It's theorized by many Pokemon Professors around the world that there are thousands of different species of Pokemon on the planet, waiting to be categorized as Pokemon.

When I had gone on my journey as a Pokemon Trainer, though my mom tried to hide her true feelings and offered me support in my decision, it wasn't long before it was clear that my mom was fed up, especially after all the dangers I had been through, added with all the stress she was going through with my father passing away and Melissa not calling back home in so long, and gave me a much harder time than she ever gave them when they had left.

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