More Than Meets The Liepard Part 2 Of 2

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My arm throbbed painfully as I held the beaten, bruised, bloody Purrloin in my arms.

She looked up at me with her green eye, wide with concern, her other eye closed, swollen shut.

I looked down at her in shock.

This was the first time her eye had opened.

Liepard let out her voice sharply towards the trees.

"What's going on?" Trixa cried.

The grass rustled as the being maneuvered itself closer to us.

"Who's there?" I called determinedly as I felt Purrloin whine and kick in my arms, my heart beating with fear at what might show itself.

The being stepped out from between two trees and stared at us before quickly looking away.

"June!" I uttered.

"Hey, look! It's June again!" Trixa clapped happily.

Liepard's eyes tightened on June, but he didn't make any noise.

"June! We don't have time for your stupidity!" I snapped. "Just get away from us! We're trying to get to Striaton City!"

"Well, I still have to get my credit card from there, too!" she shot back.

"Whatever," I said moodily, and turned away from her.

"Besides, I-" June started.

"Puuuuurrrrr..." Purrloin moaned in a weak voice. Her eyes were closed in pain, and when her good eye opened again, it were layered with a film of water as it glimmered sadly up at me. Her eye began to close again, just barely open. She appeared to be losing consciousness.

"We have to go!" I ran past June, away from Trixa, Liepard hobbling quickly after me. At the top of the hill, I stopped to see a large city beneath me. "It's here!" I immediately ran towards the city.

Striaton City was filled with tall buildings, short buildings, skinny buildings, wide buildings, short little apartment buildings reaching only three stories high, and fancier buildings, some with flags on the front of them. The streets were littered with trash. The air changed noticeably from the freshness of trees to the aroma of a bustling city, busy people, and light pollution. A few cars occupied the streets, while the sidewalk was occupied by the youth as kids and young teenagers ran by us, laughing, pushing each other, and standing around casually. It was a mix of rough grit and sleek, eye catching appeal.

As I ran by with a bleeding Pokemon in my arms and a hobbling Pokemon running behind me, trying to locate the Pokemon Center, several people in the streets stopped to stare at me, gasping and crying out, pointing at me. A couple of cars screeched to a halt and honked at me, but I ignored everything and everyone, running hard, pounding the pavement, trying to find help.

"Hey!" a voice yelled out, but I didn't turn to it or stop.

A hand grabbed my shoulder suddenly.

"Get off of me!" I barked, turning to see a short man who was just about my height, with a beefy stature, wearing blue jeans and a zipped up black jacket.

The man gave me a serious look, the black iris in his eyes like ink as he nodded with his head across the street.

I turned and noticed the huge building immediately. "Thank you!" I said to the man, and looked both ways before running across the street, dashing towards the building of the Pokemon Center.

Several people sat in the lobby, talking in separate groups with each other, while one girl sat alone.

Nurse Joy sat behind a large counter.

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