The Mole Among Us

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"My mom and dad are so proud of me," Trixa said proudly. "They said I'll be a Pokemon Master in no time with the way things are going for me so far. And my little brother is just, too, cute!! He really misses me! It was heartbreaking seeing him cry. He wants to travel with me."

"Awwwww! That's so precious!" June gushed.

"He's the sweetest, cutest little guy in the world," Trixa smiled lovingly at her. "Sometimes, I just wanna run back home and stay with him instead of traveling."

There's an idea, I thought to myself, looking at Trixa from the corner of my eye.

"But I want to really be something big in life and make my mom and dad proud," Trixa continued.

Like a big time mental case? I thought as I gazed down at the Town Map I had open in my hands. I dunno how proud that'll make your parents but you definitely are there already.

"And Prof. Juniper was so happy to hear about my second Badge win, too!" Trixa added.

June and I gazed at her silently, our eyes wide.

"Is that all she said...?" June asked hesitantly.

Trixa turned to us and looked up at the sky thoughtfully, her finger on her chin. "Hmmm. She said I'm doing really well and she's really happy I caught a Pokemon, but she wants me to try harder to capture more. Then she had to leave to take care of some stuff. She was very busy when I called. I was just about to mention your win, too, Gary." Her finger fell to her side and her eyes turned to me as she smiled. "Next time I call her, you'll be the first thing I mention to her. Promise! Me and my silly memory." She giggled.

"Don't worry about it," I mumbled. Prof. Juniper still hasn't asked about us, I thought as my eyes returned to the Town Map. Has she forgotten about us? Did she not talk to Prof. Oak that day we ran away from her? Maybe Prof. Oak was hurt really badly when Porygon-Z shocked him, and he's been in the hospital ever since! He was paralyzed on the ground when I saw him last. I really hope he's alright. Should I call him? At some point, I'll have to. I need to know if Charizard and Porygon-Z made it back or not. I also want to see all of my Pokemon again.

My first Badge in Unova, the Trio Badge, flashed in my mind. Back in Kanto, I called my mom up after I won a Badge, although that usually led to another demand for me to come home, leading to an argument. After a while, I started calling her a lot less. I hope she's okay, too, I thought, my eyes suddenly filling with tears. I hope Rotom didn't hurt her. Despite the issues we had with each other, I still love you, mom. And I know you love me, too.

"Have you found out the location of the next Gym?" June asked.

I turned to her quickly, surprised. "Huh? Oh." I closed my eyes and shook my head hard, returning to the map.

"Are you okay?" June's eyes squinted with concern.

"Of course I am!" I said roughly, blinking my vision clear. "It looks like we have a couple of options from here. There's a Gym in Nacrene City up ahead, and then we have the Steel type Gym in Vancteck City, which is a bit closer than Nacrene City."

"I believe Nacrene City is where the Rock Gym is at, run by Diggy," Trixa said to me. "He's the son of the owners of a famous museum there. They do a lot of research on fossils."

Pidove sat on my left shoulder, looking down at the Town Map with me.

"A museum sounds nice!" June went on. "I think Nacrene City sounds like an awesome place!"

"We're not going to a museum, June," I said flatly. "Or at least, I'm not."

"Grrrr," June growled, crossing her arms. She turned to Trixa. "Well, I say we should vote on it. What do you think we should do, Trixa? Wouldn't you like to see a museum that has a lot of information on fossils and stuff?"

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