Poison On The Stage 2

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I stared at the blue screen as the phone rang.

"A Trainer was found in the middle of the road near Dewkey City, mauled half to death," a woman stated on the news from the TV behind me. "Jason Moe was raising a Luxray, a Pokemon known for being very prideful and dangerous to raise without proper care. It's believed that the Trainer may have been unsuccessful in feeding the Pokemon's need for praise and constant attention, and the Pokemon turned on him. Jason is in critical condition while his Pokemon, Luxray, is still on the loose. Police are warning people that this lightning fast Pokemon is dangerous and to avoid it at all costs. Please call your local police department if you believe you have spotted this Pokemon."

Thunder rumbled outside, and I turned to the window as lightning flashed, raindrops pounding against the window rapidly.


I gasped as the beautiful face of Prof. Juniper suddenly appeared onscreen. "Professor Juniper!"

There was a squeak next to me.

"Hello!" She squinted at me. "Say..." Her eyes widened in realization. "I know you, don't I?" A smile crossed her face. "Yes, of course! Gary, from Pallet Town! You visited my lab when the two new Trainers were on their way and then you ran off when I went to give you a Pokedex! I remember you were with your girlfriend." She sighed as her eyes lowered, clearly reflecting on June.

A second squeak reached my ears.

"That wasn't my girlfriend," I muttered, and then I lowered my head in shame. "But aside from that, that day we met is kind of why I called. I know you know what all of that was about, now, and I called to apologize. I felt so terrible about just leaving you like that. I just-"

"Now, now," Prof. Juniper said sympathetically. "Relax. Prof. Oak explained everything to me. I understand. Don't worry. I'm glad that you called me, Gary. All of your Pokemon are with me and doing just fine. I have Primeape, Porygon-Z, Butterfree, Darmanitan, Cottonee... Um... Baltoy, Seismitoad, Sawk, Noctowl, and Kingdra. You have an amazing collection of Pokemon. And, please, continue to feel free to swap your Pokemon at any time."

But not Charizard, I thought without meaning to, and I blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the emotions within me as tears tried to fill my eyes.

"I also have your Archeops, who has created a tree in the area outside of my lab and is doing just fine."

"It created a tree? What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Well, Archeops has a very strict diet," Prof. Juniper explained easily. "It's an omnivore, meaning it eats both plants and meat. It seems to be particularly picky about the plants it will eat. The kind it seems to like no longer exists. Luckily, Archeops has several seeds from ancient times on its body, and it has planted one outside in the back of my lab. It lets out a cry that triggers the seeds to grow into a tree that produces the very fruit it eats! Take a look!" Prof. Juniper shuffled through things on the table in front of her for a moment before finally holding up a tablet computer.

"It's Archeops!" I stared at the picture of an Archeops sitting on top of a huge tree that resembled the one I had seen so close to Verdew Town in the forest where we had been chased by the Vigoroth.

There was another excited squeak next to me.

"This is your Archeops, and that is the tree it created!" Prof. Juniper lowered her tablet, smiling at me. "It's been years since I've had the chance to care for an Archeops. This catch is rather remarkable, Gary."

I smiled and lowered my eyes, embarrassed by her compliment. "Yeah, well, thanks," I chuckled nervously.

"Unfortunately, due to this Pokemon's strict diet, I think it'd be best that we not transfer it or send it to you at all while you're out traveling on your journey," Prof. Juniper said sadly.

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