Crossing The Bridge Full Circle

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"Where will we go if Kiwi's not on top of this mountain?" June shouted through the blowing wind and snow.

She had spoken a thought that had been on my mind for a while now. I felt certain that all three of us had been pondering this.

Regardless, we continued to climb, unable to offer June an answer.

"Where will we go from here? What is Kiwi planning? What 'judgment' does she mean?" June asked on.

Nobody answered her.

I didn't think June expected us to.

What answers could we possibly have?

The top of the mountain was only feet away, the cold around us intensifying as the sky darkened to night.

My hands reached deeper into my pockets, as if an area of warmth that I had missed was somewhere in my coat.

Something stood at the top of the mountain, clouded by the flurry of snow.

I squinted at the figure as me and my friends reached the top.

This figure stood in front of a looming cave.

I immediately choked as something wrapped my arms around my waist and minimized the air I was allowed to breathe. I was lifted off the ground, my feet kicking out!

June and Robin choked out as well, sounding unable to speak.

The loud roar right next to me would have caused me to gasp if I could have, but I was barely able to inhale. I turned my head and I coughed out at the sight of the monster next to me.

The Pokemon roared at me fiercely, and then his tail tightened around my body.

I felt like my insides were on the verge of being forced up out of my throat, all while my ribs and arms were pressed against each other, under pressure to be snapped like twigs. I moaned in pain from Nidoking's tail suffocating me, wishing it would loosen up. What is this thing doing to me? I thought in terror. Why? The cries and grunts from June and Robin made me turn to them quickly.

Held in the air by the large hands of a Conkeldurr, June screamed and struggled, kicking out as her arms were held tight against her body. Her black bag still hung from her shoulder.

On one side of June stood a big man in black boots, black jeans, and a white parka, the hood pulled down over his head and a thick gun in his hand, glaring directly at June and Conkeldurr.

Robin was grunting underneath the foot of a Gigalith, its foot on his back, holding him down.

Just like June, a man stood to the side of Robin, dressed similarly to the first man, including the gun he sported in his hand, looking right at Robin and Gigalith.

I whined loudly and lowered my head weakly. Now what?

I coughed with little energy and managed to lift up my head.

The figure that stood by the cave opening remained.

Who is that? I wondered.

"And you even brought company. All we need is Aly to bring this event full circle. But, we wouldn't be here if she could have made it, now would we?"

"Kiwi?" I gasped, staring through the snowflakes hiding her so well. "Aly...?" The mention of our late friend made my heart skip a beat. "Kiwi! What's going on here?"

"How could you join with Team Solace?" Robin groaned, no longer trying to fight against the Gigalith on top of him. "Kiwi, what are you thinking?"

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