Salt Water: Closing Wounds

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I can't believe this, I thought as my head turned from side to side, scanning the location I was now traveling through. Is this really the Village Of Dragons?

There weren't a lot of houses, but the few that dotted the area were made of wooden planks. Strange, painted designs were on every side of the houses and on the roofs, as well. Most of the land was made up of grass and a few trees and shrubs. There were only a couple of people walking by. There were also some Dragon type Pokemon who strolled past us or were sleeping in the grass. In the far distance were icy mountains that were high enough to poke the clouds in the night sky.

Am I really back here? I thought to myself. Have I truly been here before? Yes. There's no doubt that I have. But, how?

"This place has such a totally peaceful aura!" Courtney sighed happily. "Just look at all the Dragon type Pokemon! And this place is so cute, too! I almost feel like I want to just stay here forever! Who knew Dragons could be so peaceful?"

It's been... Years... Memories were flooding my head even faster the deeper my feet carried me through this place.

"All Pokemon can be peaceful," June said with attitude, watching a Bagon sniff at the ground and then look up at her. She smiled at the Pokemon as it looked away from her and walked off.

Marcus... I remembered.

"I know. I just mean, like, when is the last time you've seen a Dragon like that, which looks so threatening, but feel so safe and at ease?" Courtney pointed at a Salamence laying lazily in the grass, keeping its eyes on us calmly.

The Pokemon then closed its eyes slowly.

"I mean, that's just beautiful," Courtney commented.

June didn't seem to have a response to this, and she just lowered her eyes as we traveled the dirt path.

A Fraxure was chasing an Axew in the grass while a Gible sat on the ground, a large boulder in its gaping mouth as it gnawed on it determinedly.

The Village Of Dragons, I thought to myself as my eyes swept over the area. It's not much different than I remember it. Then again, what do I really remember about it? An old man? Me and my mom, dad, and sister walking this exact same path?

Me, my mom, my dad, and Melissa...

My mom and dad chatting with Marcus while me and my sister happily looked around at all the Pokemon, all of us walking down this exact same path...

A loud, angry cry made me jump, and I looked up into the sky at the noise, June crying out, and Courtney gasping.

"It's a Dragonite!" I pointed, and I stumbled backwards.

The Dragonite flew down at us swiftly, headfirst, a threatening glare on its face. Quickly, its feet switched places with its head and it descended to the ground, landing heavily.

I heard the grunt of Dragons in the area as the peace was disrupted.

Courtney pulled out her Pokedex as she and June backed up quickly.

Dragonite. The Dragon Pokemon. This is Dragonair's evolved form. This Pokemon lives by the sea, and an island is believed to exist somewhere that is inhabited by only Dragonite. This Pokemon is highly intelligent and very altruistic, although an infuriated Dragonite is said to be very destructive and will attack in a blind rage.

Dragonite growled dangerously, glaring down at us.

"Wow. That thing sure does look mean," Courtney said nervously, slowly slipping her Pokedex back into her pocket. "Do you think it's gonna attack?"

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