Encrypted Bidding

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My eyes shot open and I sat up in bed, squinting tiredly towards the door to my room. Yawning and stretching, I twisted my back and cracked it a couple of times from side to side.

The blinds on my window were closed, the sun trying to peek its way into my room.

Morning already, I thought, groaning. What's with the wakeup call...? Oh! The sweet aroma of bacon and eggs had reached my nose. Breakfast! Yes! I climbed out of bed and kicked out my feet, getting the blood flowing throughout my body.


I'm coming , I'm coming, I thought happily as I jogged in place with a big smile on my face. Time for some breakfast, and then I'll head on over to Aly's house and me, her, Robin, and Kiwi can watch some of our favorite cartoons, like Pokemon, Yo-Gi-Ah!, Billie Fong Adventures, The Loud Family, and Ronny Macho. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I cheered excitedly as I burst from my room and took off down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Well, there you are," Melissa greeted me after swallowing a mouthful of food from the plate of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of her, remnants of ketchup smeared around it, a short glass of orange juice sitting by her plate. She was wearing blue pajama pants and a light blue, buttoned up pajama shirt, her feet in white socks. "Your food is probably cold, but if you don't wanna eat it, I'll gladly clean your plate for you." She snickered as she struggled not to burst out laughing, a huge smile on her face.

"Pfft," I responded. I took a seat next to her and inhaled the scent of my own plate of bacon and scrambled eggs topped with ketchup next to a pair of slices of buttered toast, happily. "Oh, man! This is gonna be awesome!" I grabbed my fork and scooped up the eggs into my mouth. I smiled as I chewed on the delicious food. "Dad, this is the best!" I cried out after swallowing.

"Thanks, boy," my dad responded from the stove, his arms crossed over his chest as he smiled at me.

Behind him was a large plate on the counter next to the stove. The plate contained a tall stack of pancakes topped with a large chunk of melting butter, syrup running down the sides, two slices of toast and several strips of bacon next to them, while sunny side up eggs were frying on a large pan. Sitting next to the plate was a tall glass of orange juice.

I stabbed a piece of bacon with my fork and bit into the mostly crispy slice, and then I scooped more eggs into my open mouth.

"You little piggy. You'll choke," Melissa snickered. "Take your time, will you? Then again, I guess you'd die happy. Please, continue."

I reached across to her and snatched her fork from her hand.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

I flung it behind me and heard it clatter to the floor.

"You little..." she grumbled angrily, glaring at me.

I smiled as I kept my eyes on my plate of food, chewing quickly.

"Gary, you go and pick that up right away," my dad instructed me sternly. His back was facing me and my sister as he cooked, holding the pan above the stovetop, but his head was turned around, his eyes narrowed at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and continued eating.

"Do you understand me?" dad asked even more seriously.

I don't understand nothing, I thought grumpily, but I swallowed the food in my mouth and sighed, getting out of my seat and walking over to pick up Melissa's fork from the floor. I walked back to my chair and started to toss the dirty fork into her food.

Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now