Contact Highs

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"According to your Town Map, there's something called the Battle Club here!" June stared at the Town Map in her hands.

"What's the Battle Club?" I asked.

"It's like a place where Trainers can practice against other Pokemon Trainers! You get to even choose what type of Pokemon you want to battle against! It's great practice, the way you want to practice!"

I nodded. "Oh. I guess that sounds cool." I looked over at Trixa.

A strong wind blew, fluttering Trixa's blue skirt and white shirt with pink and white flower designs on it, her hair blowing behind her. She crossed her arms and stared at the town we stood in.

Accumula Town was a huge place that resembled more of a city than any town I'd ever seen in Kanto. Numerous buildings were several feet apart, and they all looked like they contained important things inside. The buildings were of different length, width, height, and color, and all had floor after floor of windows all around. I wondered what these buildings could be holding inside. Steps led up to a couple of the buildings, metal handrails alongside them. The town was a quiet one, with no one outside and no signs of life.

"I don't want to waste any time," Trixa said, shaking her head. "I'd rather just go battle against the Gym Leader here."

"Yeah," I agreed. "That sounds like a fine idea to me, too."

Trixa smiled at me, but I didn't return it, looking away from her pretty smile to the ground and just nodded.

"But, the Battle Club is a hot spot for Pokemon battles!" June added. "It'd be a great place to test out your battling skills and prepare yourself! You could even battle a Poison type Trainer!"

"Nah." Trixa shook her head at June. "That's boring. I just want to get right into the battles! Our Pokemon are all healed up and Tepig and Pansear are gonna win me my first Badge! I can't waste time practicing and stuff. Let's just give it a shot. I'm really excited!"

June smiled caringly. "I understand that, believe me. But you don't want to be too eager and not be prepared. There's nothing wrong with-"

Trixa was already walking away from June, a calm smile on her face, a faraway look in her eyes. "Where do you think the Gym is?"

June's shoulders slumped and she turned to me, a hurt look on her face.

I smiled and gently took the Town Map from June. "Maybe this girl isn't as bad as I thought," I said in a low voice accompanied with a wink, and followed after Trixa, looking at the map. "It's this way, Trixa!" I called out to her, though she was right next to me. Based on my limited experience with her, I figured I may have to yell to grab this girl's attention.
Her eyes widened, glittering atop her little nose as they dug into mine. Her long, ravishing, flowing hair rested against her back peacefully. Her lips held a loving smile for no given reason.

I felt uncomfortable in her gaze and quickly walked past her, leading the way to the Accumula Gym. I shook my head, focusing on the Town Map. Where's that damn Gym? I thought angrily. I don't even like Trixa. That Gym must be nearby. Trixa's hardly even cute. A Poison type Gym. Should be an interesting fight. Trixa's sort of cute. I don't care! I can't even challenge this Gym Leader. I need a Pokemon! Besides, the girl's a bimbo! I looked up and saw, close by, a short, deep purple building. Staring back down at the map, and then looking up, my pace began to quicken. "This has to be it, I think!"

"WOOOO!" Trixa ran past me, stopping in front of the location and gazing up at it.

June and I ran together to keep up with her as she reached for the doorknob and turned it, opening the door.

Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now