8 - The Ellen Show Part Two

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“Let’s go ten seconds!” a camera guy said as he came in and shoved us to the main stage.

 Stacey’s P.O.V.

“Well enough about hearing me talk, let’s welcome Cody Simpson and Stacey.” Ellen said as we walked on the stage and everyone was cheering and screaming it was insane I was so excited for this interview.

“Good aye.” Cody said as we sat down. “Hi thanks for having us.” I said. “It’s honor to be not the first but the second interviewer with Stacey, I was watching your Good Day LA segment from a few years ago and you do have a lovely voice.” Ellen said.

“Aw thanks that means so much.” I said with a smile. “Do you watch my show Stacey?” Ellen asked. “As much as I can definitely I think you’re hilarious.” I said with a laugh. “Well that might change,” Ellen said.

“Why?” I asked skeptically. “You know one of my monologues in your Facebook right?” Ellen asked. “Uh-oh.” I said worriedly.

“Do you have any pictures that might be worth showing?” Ellen asked. “I don’t think so because I generally find myself a very photogenic person.” I said with a smile.

“What about now?” Ellen asked as she brought up the picture of my sister, my cousin Soraya, and me on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Ride.

“Oh my god!” I said embarrassed. “So what’s going on here?” Ellen asked as everyone was laughing and my face was getting a little red.

“Can we please take that off?” I asked her. “Aw I think you look adorable.” Cody said as he was laughing with everyone else only causing my face to get even redder. 

I mean I wasn’t embarrassed because everyone was laughing at me I mean I always enjoy people laughing at me, weird right?

But no I was embarrassed because that could possibly be the worst picture of me ever and it’s on national TV where all my fans can see and Jake can see as well.

“Oh please turn that off.” I asked again. “Alright alright no need to be embarrassed.” Ellen said as all the laughter trailed off.

“So come on what’s going on here?” Ellen asked. “Alright well in 2010 when The Wizarding World of Harry Potter first opened I went there with my cousins and their family because they live in Florida, and that was a really fun ride except for the part where the dragon spits water at you.” I was saying as I started laughing.

“You see she’s even laughing at herself.” Ellen said as the crowd joined in on my laugh. “So they take that picture at that exact point and me and my cousin were not expecting that so we had shut her eyes and had the most disgusted looks on her faces and they got it in the picture.” I said as I had to stop because I was still laughing hysterically.

“Anything you want to say to your fans that are watching this right now?” Ellen asked. “Guys I love you with all my heart and I’m so sorry you had to see that.” I said with a laugh. “Now that we got that out the way, what is the deal with the two of you, are you dating, are you not dating, are you friends with benefits or what?” Ellen asked.  

“Such honest questions.” Cody said. “Is it official or what?” Ellen asked. “Yep it’s official, no not really I have a boyfriend.” I said.

“Very true.” Cody said. “So how do you explain this?” Ellen asked as the pictures from three years ago of the two us showed up on the back screen. “That was three years ago,” I reminded. “So you’ve been with your boyfriend for three years and you cheated on him?” Ellen asked.

“No not at all, after I got back to Maryland I dated Logan Henderson and Josh Winno and no not at the same time, but after Josh and I broke up Jake was there for me because he was one of the most normal friends I had and we’ve known each other since 6th grade so he asked me out and I said yes.” I said

“Aw how long have y’all been together?” Ellen asked. “A year well not exactly a year more like 10 months.” I said with a smile.

“Is he here with you?” Ellen asked. “Yeah he’s sitting in my dressing room watching the show.” I said. “Well bring him out.” Ellen said. “Really?” I asked surprised. “Yeah go get him.” Ellen said. “I will.” I said getting up and going to my dressing room.

Cody’s P.O.V.

“So Cody you look pretty upset?” Ellen asked me. “Do I?” I asked. “You like her don’t you?” Ellen asked. “You know me all too well Ellen, all too well.” I said with one of my signature smiles.

“That brings us to our first commercial break so when we come back we’ll meet Stacey’s beau and give away some prizes, don’t go anywhere.” Ellen said as she looked right at the camera and smiled.

“And cut, back in ten minutes people!” the camera guy called. “You need to relax.” Alli said as she came up to the couch and handed me a bottle of water. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said. “There it is again, I told you this before and I’ll tell you again the entire world doesn’t revolve around your feelings for Stacey.” Alli said.

“What do you want me to do Alli, I love her.” I whispered. “Cody she has a boyfriend who she loves a lot and not even you can change that.” Alli said as she sat down and side hugged me.   

“We’ll see.” I said. “Don’t be thinking what you’re thinking.” Alli warned. “Okay bye Als.” I said with a laugh as she walked away and Stacey came back with Jake.

“I don’t want to be on TV.” Jake said. “Oh don’t be such a baby I’m right here with you the entire time you’ll be fine.” Stacey said as she flashed one of her beautiful smiles that can make anyone feel a million times better.

What I’d do to be the reason behind that smile, I thought to myself as Ellen came back.

“Hey man.” Jake said to me as I just nodded to him as he sat next to me with Stacey on the other side of him leaning on him like he’s so amazing.

“Boyfriend.” I said glaring at him as my phone went off.

STOP!! The text from Alli read as I looked up and saw her sitting next to Arianna at the very top of all the rows.

“You must be Jake.” Ellen said as she took her seat across from us. “The one and only.” Jake said.

“Back in 5, 4, 3, 2, action!” the camera guy called as all the on air lights came back on.

Stacey’s P.O.V.

“And we’re back with a very special 3rd guest, everyone let’s give Jake a warm welcome.” Ellen said as everyone clapped. Jake could hardly speak so I squeezed his hand, which had made me catch his eye. You can do it, I mouthed as I nodded and gave a reassuring smile.

“Hi.” the only thing Jake managed to get out so far. “So how long have you and Stacey been dating?” Ellen asked. “Since October 3rd of last year.” Jake said with a smile.

“So what is that 8 months?” Ellen asked. “Actually ten months, nineteen days, thirteen hours, twenty minutes, and thirty-five seconds.” Jake said.

“Well you passed.” Ellen said as everyone cheered. “Passed what?” Jake asked confused. “The Ellen Boyfriend Test.” I said with a smile.

“You do watch my show.” Ellen said. “Of course I do.” I said. “Well Cody you’re awfully quiet down there.” Ellen said.

“Oh my bad.” Cody said as everyone laughed. “Why don’t we talk about your ex-girlfriend?” Ellen asked.

Cody’s P.O.V.

“Or we can talk about Jake and Stacey some more?” I suggested. I really do not want answer questions about my relationship with Casey.

“No I think we should talk about you and Casey.” Ellen said. “If we must what would you like to know?” I asked. “Jake you can go ahead back; I wouldn’t want you to sit here all bored.” I whispered in his ear. “Thank you.” Jake whispered back as he pecked my lips and walked off set.

“Do you find it weird that the girl you like is best friends with your ex-girlfriend?” Ellen asked as Stacey’s jaw practically dropped to the floor. “Pardon?” I asked. Please tell me she did not just ask me what I think she asked me, I thought as I tried to keep a straight face. Even though inside of me I’m like freakin’ going insane.

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