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A silver haired man in his early 30's wore a black cloak over his shoulders and walked through the darkness of the forest in hope of arriving to the borders of the Busan Kingdom

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A silver haired man in his early 30's wore a black cloak over his shoulders and walked through the darkness of the forest in hope of arriving to the borders of the Busan Kingdom. As he continued walking and walking throughout the night, he stopped once he was in the near the castle of the Busan Kingdom.

The source of light of his surroundings were lit torches and the full moon.

He looked around for a tavern to sleep on and found one: The Pink Flower.

He slid the doors of the tavern open and stepped inside. On the inside were candles lit on top of the tables and drunk men clapping, laughing and talking with loud voices. They were very loud. The sounds made his ears hurt and the strong smell of beer forced him to scrunch nose in disgust. He couldn't remember the last time he genuinely shared drunk laughter with his long passed friends.

His presence was made known to everyone and they turned to look at him. The laughter and clapping noises died and were replaced by stares full of perplexity and some curiousity given he was wearing a black cloak. It drew attention.

The man ignored the stares and walked to the counter. A tall man in his early-50's, the owner of the tavern, asked him, "What can I do for you?" His rough voice was laced with some authority.

"I need a room for the night. I will pay five gold coins."

The man kept staring at the other in hopes of convincing the owner of the tavern. For just one night...

"Only one correct?" the owner asked the cloaked man and the latter nodded. "Seokjin, come here!" shouted the tavern's owner. He had called out to his 15-year-old son.

A few seconds later, the said boy was panted and leaned his hands on his knees to catch his breath from having run fast to please his father's orders. The boy called Seokjin, had messy light brown hair and big plump rosy lips. He wearing a white shirt and long brown pants.

When he straightened his posture, the silver haired male took notice of how he was holding a book in one of his hands.

"This man here will like a room for the night. Take him to the second floor, the second to the right," ordered the owner of the tavern.

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