Chapter 10: A Very Nice Morning

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Right after Jimin exited the house, he exhaled a large amount of carbon dioxide, a smile never leaving his lips. For the first time, he didn't think badly or hatefully about the prince, instead a small smile filled his face as soon as he turned his head in direction of the prince's room. Jimin thought of rewarding him with a small present so he went back inside and entered the room without knocking. Jungkook was staring at the rays of sunlight entering the room through the window. "Jungkook" The sorcerer called out to the prince. "Didn't you just leave?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow trying to hide the smile plastered in his lips but failing miserably just like when a little kid is pretending to sleep in front of his parents but a smile on his lips gives away that he's awake.

"There's a lake a few miles from here, after you want to go there with Red?" Jimin tried not to make eye contact with Jungkook and the prince chuckled.

"Sure" Jimin smiled big and left the room running leaving the prince to shake his head from side to side while the smile he was trying to hold escaped and didn't leave his face. Jimin greeted Red outside the house and walked deeper into the forest while humming. The sorcerer passed by a tall oak tree, its thick branches were leaning to the sides and in random directions with lots of leafs around it and Jimin sat in the grass just on top of a few roots; he closed his eyes and concentrated on his surroundings. Breathing in and out deeply, Jimin heard a rustling of a twig and opened his eyes. He turned his head to his right and his gaze softened once his nose made contact with a warm wet nose. Jimin had touched noses with a light brown haired water deer. Jimin's right hand began petting the deer's right ear before he leaned back and whispered.

"I'm sorry, may your innocent soul rest in peace" The sorcerer's chocolate brown eyes reflected the beautiful silver color for three seconds and he closed them; not wanting to see how the water deer's eyes closed, and watch it's body falling lifeless beside him.

"I'm back!" Jimin arrived back at the house after half an hour with the pieces of meat from the deceased animal. The prince sat in the chair of the living room waiting for the sorcerer as he was reading the book Jimin was reading the previous afternoon. The prince closed the book and placed it on top of the table and watched how the sorcerer began preparing their breakfast.

Seokjin's P.O.V

"Taehyung, what does the next page says?" The cursive ink on the page of Dong Hae's Diary has more to it, more to the history of the tragedy that happened during Times of Sorcery. The history I've been so curious to know of.

"Okay, Okay" Taehyung began...

"Why did she had to choose Jeon instead of me? I no longer want to hide and lock these feelings away." Taehyung flips to another page farther in and another entry is shown but the ink cursive writings are almost unreadable because of how fast he must have written them.

"Year 1523 October 11. I messed up. I can't hold my sanity for much longer. I'm going crazy, the Coronation is happening in two days time and Jeon is oblivious to my doings; everyone is. Ji Yong is with Min Sae in their chambers waiting for the day she'll give birth; which I know is soon. I'm here in my secret study planning something. This spell is almost in perfection; I'm just missing a small detail, I need to wait for a sorcerer infant's tear. I'm going to get a tear from Ji Yong's son no matter what. Jeon will pay for taking Taeyeon away from me; if I take Taeyeon away from him, then... he'll have to marry Sa Guk by law. That's the only way. Sa Gu- The Queen?!" Taehyung shifts his sight from the diary to my eyes. I nod.

"Then he must have succeeded in taking Taeyeon?" I question and he sighs.

"Something about this doesn't seem right. The timing is wrong, if Jimin was born the night of the Coronation, but the tragedy happened before the Coronation. If Dong Hae wrote he needed Jimin's tear for the spell, how could he complete the spell then if Jimin wasn't already born?" While I re-read Dong Hae's entry Taehyung stares into the painting of the three men on the wall.

What actually happened Uncle Ji Yong? Taehyung asks the silver-haired smiling young man on the painting.

Jimin's P.O.V

"Jimin, breakfast was delicious" Jungkook comments while settling the pair of chopsticks beside the empty plate that only has the remains of sauce in it.

"Thank you" I grin, lifting myself up from the chair and grabbing his plate along with mine. I begin to wash the dishes while humming to a melody my father used to sing to me before going to bed.

"If you~ If you~ ajik neomu neutji anhatdamyeon~ hmm~" Until I finish washing the dishes, I realize that everything is silent; Jungkook hasn't said a word. Concentrating on my surroundings while I stop humming, I focus on Jungkook's aura.

A warm feeling spreads on my chest, is my plan working? He's slowly falling for me? When I feel his aura, I can sense "Oh my lord!" I gasp as soon as I feel two hands sneaking themselves around my waist.

I was so concentrated on feeling Jungkook's aura I didn't notice he was right behind me. Now he's...too close... "U-Um..." I try to lean back but my hands touch the counter. I don't want to use msgic right now because he's injured, and I'll worsen the wound. "Jimin, you have a beautiful voice" His low voice echoes in my ears just like the continuous beating of my heart. His face leans closer and closer, but he quickly grabs my hand and begins walking outside while laughing. "Where's the lake?" He grins as he lets go of my hand and we both stand in front of Red.

"H-Huh" I stutter. Why did I stutter?

I'm about to speak but Red neighs. She moves her head on my shoulder and begins to playfully eat my hair. "Ow! Red no!" I giggle and tickle her neck. "Jimin, don't ignore me!" Jungkook scoffs but I continue ignoring his question while laughing.

"Red, I'm not in the mood for riding. Let's walk!" I begin walking in direction of the lake just a mile away and I feel Jungkook following me along with Red. "You know... this place has a lot of memories" I speak to break the silence between us as we walk.

"Like?" Jungkook asks.

"I once played hide and seek here with my best friend and when I was looking for him, he was in one of the highest branches of that tree." I say while pointing at a white oak tree a few meters away from us. "Did you catch him?" I nod. "I made the wind carry him down" I giggle remembering this time I made Tae fall down the tree but he kept screaming in happiness because he felt like he was flying as the wind made him almost float.

Walking while talking about a few of my memories made time fly by fast. We finally had reached the lake. The long grass surrounding us, the breeze wasn't cold, the temperature was perfect for a swi- I'm so.... "So, I guess you're first. Let me know when you're done, I'll be here waiting" Jungkook sits in a rock while Red begins to eat the grass nearer trees. "Go on" Jungkook urges.

"Don't worry, I won't peak ...Unless you want me to" I swear, I would gladly slap that smirk away from his face if it weren't for me trying to be nice.

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