Chapter 25: A Revelation From the Sorcerer

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Transparent liquid flowed down the red cheeks of the Royal Librarian, the best friend of the sorcerer and the lover of the King of Daegu. All three of them filled with joy and relief at the news. Seokjin finally could meet Jimin and the librarian couldn't hold himself back from hugging the younger; a hug from an older brother even if they had known each other briefly. Taehyung promised himself then, at the moment Jimin told them of his miracle, he promised himself to be there for the child and protect it and he won't let any emotion consume him this time. Hoseok reacted just like his lover King Min predicted; when the lover of King Min heard the news he jumped in excitement and cried. The Queen welcomed Jimin into the Castle with open arms and she made sure to take care of the sorcerer's health just like she had done with Min Sae in the past. The servants of the Castle accepted the sorcerer per orders of the Royals and because of how kindly the sorcerer treated them. King Jeon kept his word and he avoided being in the same room as Jimin as much as possible; he felt ashamed of himself. Everyone loved Jimin the instant they met him, the people of Busan were joyful for their Prince's lover yet some lords were against them because of the Royal Code decreeing that Royals shall date and marry only royals but the King took matters in his hand to silence any bad rumor about the Royal Family. The sorcerer known as Park Jimin was now known as the lover of Prince Jeon Jungkook. How ironical. Those two lovers once hated each other and now the universe brought them together.

One month at living in the Castle, Jimin regained color in his one weak body, and a tiniest bump on the sorcerer's womb could be felt. His plump lips were now always rosy and his cheeks always painted with his natural blush. Unexpectedly, the sorcerer's body slowly changed, his stomach was slightly bigger, just by barely one or two inches. At the moment, the sky was a few hours away from disappearing at the horizon and in the chambers of Prince Jungkook and Park Jimin, the silver-haired sorcerer hummed a soft song as he gently caressed his stomach with his right hand and he leaned his left against the railings of the balcony of his chambers. "ujuga uril wihae umjigyeosseo~ Mmm~
"jogeume eogeutnamjocha eopseosseo~ You know... I never thought this could happen to me yet it did. You're our miracle. I wonder if you're a boy or a girl~" He softly cooed and giggled. His heartbeat raced and a shiver ran through his spine as his back suddenly collided with a warm chest and two hands placed themselves on top of his right hand on his stomach.

"Jimin~ I'm back. How are you feeling?" The raven bangs of the prince tickled the sorcerer's cheeks which made him giggle and peck the raven haired's nose as a sign of affection. "I'm feeling good. We're good. Jungkook-ah, how about we go to the lake?" The excitement in his sentence made the prince nod instantly but soon he frowned. "What's wrong?" Jimin tilted his head with confusion and his lover sighed. "I don't think my mother will let us leave for the lake now. Sunset is near and even the knights will prevent us fro−" The prince paused briefly before a mischievous smile took over his lips. "Let's sneak out." Jungkook smirked and pressed a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead right on top of his silver-orbs. "Okay." Agreed the sorcerer and before Jimin could back away from the hug his lover was giving him, Jungkook gently spanned Jimin around. Before the sorcerer could say anything, the raven-haired prince leaned forward until their rosy lips brushed against each other and connected. Jimin closed his eyes and parted his plump lips expecting the warm wet muscle that began to trace his plump rosy bottom lip before it made contact with his own wet muscle; Jungkook was sure enjoying how their tongues were connecting and Jimin felt his knees weaken. Their breaths joined as they panted after slowly separating their now swollen red lips. "I wish you could see how beautiful you are Jimin." The raven-haired prince pecked the sorcerer's blushing right cheek before intertwining their fingers and they carefully walked towards the door of their chambers. "You make me so flustered every time we kiss." Mumbled the sorcerer with his painted pink cheeks that didn't seem to regain their normal color any time soon. Jungkook halted his steps and made a questioning look as he locked eyes with his lover. The raven-haired prince lifted their intertwined fingers to his chest and gently pressed them in front of where his heart was. The sorcerer gulped and the pink layers displayed in his cheeks increased when he felt the fast-paced heartbeats from his lover. "My heart beats that way only for you." Jungkook pecked their intertwined fingers before slowly opening the door of their chambers.

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